Someday My Prince Will Come. I think.

Someday My Prince Will Come. I think.

Someday my prince will come.

Last February, I ran the Princess Half Marathon at Disney World.

Athletes get to pick their favorite Disney princess to be emblazoned on their bib.

I picked Snow White. For I was she. And she was me.

*   *   *

When I was three years old, my mother changed pediatricians.

The good Dr. Hitchcock came in the room and young Jamester sitteth on the table.

Nice to meet you Tracy,” the nice man said. (I went by Tracy then. Long story.)

My reply.

“I’m not Tracy. I’m Snow White.”

Linking up with MamaKat again, I have to select prompt number 4.) If you had to choose a Disney princess to live the rest of your life as…which princess would you choose and why?

Snow White.

Because I always have been Snow White.

*    *    *

But I wouldn’t pick Snow living with her prince.

I would be Snow White living in the cabin with the seven.

My horrid housekeeping skills would have already driven them off and I would have the entire place to myself.

Birds would perch on my finger and deers would snuggle as I sing to them in a tremulous falsetto.

Of course the evil stepmother would always be lurking out there — dreaming up some way to do me in. But I’d chose to ignore danger and the fact that an poison apple with my name on it would inevitably arrive.

Okay. I would miss my kids eventually.

I’d stop playing hard-to-get and let the prince kiss me.

But we’d have to set up house in the cabin in the woods.

What do you think? Which princess would you choose?


Mama’s Losin’ It

8 responses to “Someday My Prince Will Come. I think.”

  1. Katie says:

    This is great.
    So very great!
    I have always been an aurora, sleeping beauty girl, myself.
    Living in the woods amongst the animals.
    Being raised by three, sweet and magical fairy god mothers!!
    Oh man—that’s the best!
    The prince, wandering the woods and meeting me by surprise.
    Loving me for who I was..
    Pricking a finger on a spinning wheel, as planned by malificent herself, is simply intriguing and borderline romantic.
    (in ways I can not explain—even if I tried)
    Towns people falling asleep from one of her spells. !!
    Oh goodness—-
    Belle and I have the book thing going on but
    Aurora and I, we have had a connection since the beginning of time.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    That’s awesome Katie. Aurora definitely rocked that pink gown — and I did love those Fairy Godmothers with all those colored dresses. But Sleeping Beauty was a bit too gothic for me. That dragon and the evil queen. Then pricking her finger and all those thorns….Way too scary for me to live there. You are much the more brave Disney Princess than I. As far as the new generation of princesses, I would have to go with Ariel. In the water with all the little happy sea creatures.

  3. Tris says:

    I love that! I always wanted to be Jasmine, that was my favorite Disney movie as a young girl. She had long beautiful hair. Living somewhere warm and exotic. Having a Tiger as a pet. Jasmine would be me!

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Tris, would have to admit – Jasmine had the best outfit and access to a magic carpet. Two definite points for her.

  5. I love Snow White, if only for her iconic nature of being “the first”. I remember seeing the movie when it was re-released for it’s 50th anniversary (when I was about 6) because Snow White was the same age as my mom. While I love all of the princesses (or most of them) I’ve never had one that I identified with really. Bits of this one and bits of that, but never all of one. Great post!

  6. Jennifer says:

    We didn’t get to plant anything this year, but my husband always says that same thing about squash.

  7. Bea says:

    If I could choose, I would like to be the Little Mermaid, because she was my favorite character from the disney movies.

  8. Kat says:

    Snow White is lovely!! The 7 small men might get a tad cumbersome…I can hardly stand my one half the time. 😉

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