Favorite Moments from the Princess Half. Updated.

Favorite Moments from the Princess Half. Updated.

I’ve been up for 19 hours —

And we’ve done a lot and seen a lot since the race this morning.

So if I remember something at this point, it had to have made an impression on me.

 The top things I remember from this morning’s race.

*  There were a lot of men running.

Okay, not tons but more than I ever imagined would. Just say in the sea of women who were running around me at all times, there was always at least one man.

*  The best picture opportunity amongst all the places to stop and have photo made was the covey of Ken doll grooms standing in tuxedos along the route (by Cinderella wedding pavilion) each carrying a silver running shoe. They all were in various stages of bended knee asking runners if they would marry them.

*  I felt under-dressed. I was wearing matching pink running skirt combo and there was so much tulle of every color — the Bolshoi ballet should be concerned if they have an upcoming production needing costumes.

* Favorite shirt of day:  One of the few young man racing passed me with a shirt that read on the back: Why are all these Princesses chasing me?

*  Favorite sign of day: U all have trained longer for this race than Kim Kardashian stayed married.

*  Favorite joke of the day: You know why Cinderella wasn’t much of a soccer player? She kept running away from the ball.

*  Favorite quote of day: A young guy turns to a young gal and says, “I’m running 13 miles with you and wearing a tutu. What more can I do?”

*   *   *

Now that it’s the next morning and I’m up finishing up something else with a little coffee and no longer having my head hit the keyboard as I continually fight sleep….

It was a great race. There was a front page article on the Orlando Sentinel Friday that said for over 5o percent of the women this was their first half marathon.

So come if you want a challenge and like to dress in costume — join in.

Another observation I forgot to add last night —

You get to pink a favorite princess to be listed on your bib number. My favorite has always been Snow White. I thought she was terribly old school…but I have to admit there were more women dressed up as Snow White than any other…or maybe my mind was just noticing them?

Who’s to know?

The article also said that 10 percent of runners were men.

And half of those wore tutus. (Well, at least some who were talking into it by there girlfriends.)





One response to “Favorite Moments from the Princess Half. Updated.”

  1. […] February, I ran the Princess Half Marathon at Disney […]

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