Love is . . . Clean Sex.

Love is . . . Clean Sex.

After a weekend shrouded in a cloak of bitchiness, 

(Some bitchiness due to a blog post. Most bitchy tendencies came peeking through because of poor performance by a certain football team.)

I’m ready to start the week with some . . .


Now some of you maybe be old enough to remember when these two were in the newspaper everyday.

Why did I never notice these two were always naked? You would think that is something a little girl would notice.



Yep. Nude again. But this one has an uncharacteristically sad message. Once again, something I would have never picked up on as a child. 🙁


Linking up with Stasha and her husband for our list this week: 10 WAYS TO SAY I LOVE YOU

I think I’ll go off the board a smidgen:

Ten ways to say I love you to my husband.


10.  Clean the house.  And promise sex a week from Tuesday after I recover from cleaning house.

9.    Clean the house.

8.    Clean the house.

7.    Clean the house.

6.    Clean the house.

5.    Clean the house.  Then have sex.

4.    Clean the house.

3.    Clean the house.

2.    Clean the house.

1.    Have sex. In a clean house.


If you could see — and I would never post — a photo of our things covered in two inches of dust due to our renovation project, you would get it.

There is nothing more my husband would love right now than to be in our newly renovated CLEAN space.

Having sex.

Hopefully by Thanksgiving all his dreams will come true.

What says love to you?




7 responses to “Love is . . . Clean Sex.”

  1. CLR says:

    Loved the list!! So I take it your husband’s love language is acts of service? ha ha As for your previous post (the kid calling you names), that is just unacceptable. We are losing our sense of decency! Sorry that happened to you.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes. That is a good assessment on his love language. (He got a good laugh after reading this post.) Especially when we are living in a 600 square foot during our renovation and the clutter that goes with four people, a dog and two inside/outside cats. He is ready to be back in the house.

  3. Stacey says:

    Sex in a clean house…that sounds orgasmic!!

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    That’s my love language too. 🙂

  5. Shana Norris says:

    So funny, Jamie. My husband could care less about a clean house. Which is an issue unto itself.

  6. LOL! At least he’s not complicated…..?

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    This made me laugh Jen. I like ’em simple and pretty.

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