I was called a bitch. And how was your morning?

I was called a bitch. And how was your morning?

I was called a bitch this morning.

By a very nice looking young man in a football jersey riding a homecoming parade float.

This was because I didn’t stop to let the float he was on turn into the parking lot.

I looked behind me. There were no cars after me. I knew they would easily turn after I passed.

So I gave a little wave of my hand.

Then I heard from my open sunroof.

“I wasn’t waving — I was telling you to stop, bitch.”

Something stupid a 16 year old might say.

So why did it make me cray, cray?

It’s not that I have never been bitchy.

But something about seeing that fresh, beautiful young face drip such a demeaning flippant remark — got my usually latent bitchy side all worked up.

In a way, it’s our fault. With the online dump-the-bad-with-the-good culture, women have allowed themselves to become one-dimensional sex objects, faceless body parts. Disposable.

Sure. Why not call a female who holds two undergraduate degrees, a law degree, a license to practice law in two states, a mother three times — two of which required her to travel to emotional hell-and-back through the domestic adoption process . . . yada, yada yada . . . a bitch?

We all could go on and on about our stories.

We are mothers, business owners, doctors, trash collectors. We have survived cancer, foreclosure,  husbands who have left, parenting solo.

We have wiped up vomit and cleaned the diapers of our infants and our elderly parents.

We have paid our taxes and voted in elections from school board to the President of the United States.

We are strong, courageous, compassionate and not perfect.

No. I’m not perfect, but I’m not a bitch — at least today.

For young handsome football player I have your number.

If I was truly a bitch, think what I could have written.






9 responses to “I was called a bitch. And how was your morning?”

  1. john miles says:

    Love you. I would call the coach.

  2. Lisa says:

    I’m so sorry. Horrible.

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    I’ve had my vent. He’s got a lot more on his plate with tonight’s game.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s funny Lisa. I kept trying to shake it off but I couldn’t. I guess it tapped into a lot of suppressed anger at how nowadays it seems acceptable to lash out and demean others. I honestly don’t think what he said was any big deal to him. Just a try for a cheap laugh with his friends. That to me is what is so very sad.

  5. Ugh. I wouldn’t have been able to shake it off either. Once a guy at the dog park called me a bitch because I asked him to please keep his dog from jumping on me (curtly, but still… the dog was jumping on me hard with muddy paws and the guy was busy talking on his cell phone). I agree with you that “nowadays it seems acceptable to lash out and demean others.” And it also seems possible that common courtesy is less important than it used to be and often people are stressed or impatient or trying to get a cheap laugh. But still, ugh. (p.s. I would call his mother!)

  6. kimberly says:

    Nailed it. What an awful thing to say to anyone. No respect at all. Everyone is entitled to a bad day and mistakes and so on but being called a bitch and the “I wasn’t waving” was very out of line.
    I feel sorry for not only you, but to that woman who will date that piece of shit.

  7. […] After a weekend shrouded in a cloak of bitchiness,  […]

  8. Was my daughter on the float with the rude kid?
    Be honest.
    I need to know.

  9. Jamie Miles says:

    Trish — I only saw a few of the kids on the back. She wasn’t one of them.

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