10 Great Recent Memories for a hot grandma. (Who keeps forgetting she’s not a grandma.)

10 Great Recent Memories for a hot grandma. (Who keeps forgetting she’s not a grandma.)

Short term memory.

That’s about all I’m good for these days.

So I’m all pumped for Stasha’s Listicle this Monday, one suggested by our very own Ducky @Batcrap Crazy.

The prompt: 10 Amazing Memories From a Not So Distant Past.

10.  My son’s birthday at Atlanta’s Legoland Discovery Center.

Taking four boys into the big city to a three-tiered mall — throw in about a billion Legos — and it was loads of fun.


I love this picture but makes me wonder how many people thought:

look at that hipster grandma taking her grandson and friends to Legoville.


9.   Planting my fall garden.

I lost lots of sleep whether to do away with my large garden. Too much work with all that I’m juggling and no money to pay for help.

All by my bitty hot grandma self, I took down fence posts, re-sized the fence and now have a much more manageable treasure trove of growing collards, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli and assorted lettuces.

Yay for hot, green-thumbed grandmas, who aren’t really grandmas!


8.  I got work. Yippee.

Yes, after a few quiet months on the freelancing front, I got a quite a few assignments. Of course, this always sends me into a bit of a panic to get it all done on deadline — but I’ve done it before — I’ll do it again.



Yay, for hipster grandmas — who aren’t really grandmas — who get the job done.

Churning out the work, in spite of sassy grandchildren . . . err, children.


 7. I’ve got a hair appointment tomorrow!

Okay, this will be a recent memory after tomorrow but looking at these pictures makes me realize I’ve got to get the hair to a professional STAT.


6.   Running the Tower of Terror 10-Miler with my BFF, dearest hubby.



Okay, at one point I thought he might have been having some sort of arrhythmia.  It was terribly hot and humid. But running 10 miles in the middle of the night with my bestest bud was awesome. For me.

For him? Not so much.


5.  Carving Pumpkins.

No matter how rushed we are — this is one of the highlights of my year.



4. Going to Chicago to see my Father-in-law receive lifetime achievement award.

All my cool in-laws on hubs side were there.

Such good family time.

Washed in candlelight and scrubbed clean children and laundry for 48 hours, I do not look as much like a hipster grandma.

But it might not be me — because of course — this woman’s eyes are closed.

3.  Swimming.

I’ve really enjoyed getting in the pool lately. And my hipster-not-quite-a-grandma joints are most thankful I’m not trying to run every day.

2.  Son’s birthday breakfast at Waffle House.

And in case you were wondering what faux white-hot grammies have a Waffle House for breakfast.

And the number one recent memory is:

1.  Blogging — 

“I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old: but now I am a woman again — as I always am when I write.” 

Virginia Woolf

What great recent memories have you?

14 responses to “10 Great Recent Memories for a hot grandma. (Who keeps forgetting she’s not a grandma.)”

  1. Gina says:

    The first pic of you totally cracking up is sooo much fun! I’m a sucker for a photo story so you hooked me right in. Certainly you weren’t pretending to be anywhere else but The Field Museum! Yeah work! You’ll get it done.

    And I’m not buying the whole gramma thing but you are one hot chick rep-ing us women of a certain age like a rock star!

  2. Janice says:

    Those look like fun memories. Were these all in one week? And that classy dinner looks just wonderful – congrats to your FIL! And reason or no, a gal can always get her haid done, yes? 😉 (Stopping by from Stasha’s listicles.)

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    Oh Gina ~ a hot woman-of-a-certain age rockstar smooch back at ya.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    The dinner was fun Janice. Nice to get dressed up — but the most fun was hanging with my in-laws and bros and sisses in-laws. In a fun city with just the adults. Woo.

  5. Grandma? I don’t think so, sister! You are one hot mama. And there is not a thing wrong with your hair. As a matter of fact I was admiring it in number 8 and then I got to the next one (about your hair) and thought, “Huh? She’s got great hair!”

  6. Bridget says:

    I love that last quote! Also, you don’t look like a grandma at all and I bet you smell nothing like moth balls. 😉

  7. Jamie Miles says:
      Bridget. You are right. I smell of many things but mothballs is not one.
  8. Jessica B says:

    Great pictures! Especially love the first one – so in the moment and genuine. 🙂 So not grandma-ish – you look great, and fit and happy. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  9. What a busy time you’ve been having! And I love those photos of you. You don’t look like a grandma at all. Especially in the one of you running. Hope your hair appointment went/is going well!

  10. Diane says:

    If you’re a grandma then that would make me ummmmm…dead?!? Baahaahaa. No grandma I know of can run 10 miles on purpose. 😀

  11. Audrey says:

    Great Memories! You are brave to take 4 kids to a mall / Lego store! And you definitely don’t look like a grandma!

  12. You cracked me UP! If you’re a grandma then can you adopt me as a grandkid because you have some serious fun times. I am a master pumpkin carver and I love Lego. And Waffle House. And gardening. See, you need me in your brood! 😉 Ellen

  13. Jamie Miles says:

    You are always welcome Ellen. I might as well have fun with the kids now because when the real grandkids come along I’ll be too old. Ha.

  14. Stasha says:

    Can I come to lego land with you??! We can even leave kids at home and make it grannies day out 😉
    Hurray for new writing gigs!

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