Yes, Dear Lizzi. They grow on trees.

Yes, Dear Lizzi. They grow on trees.

Last weekend I participated in one of my favorite blog hops — Ten Things of Thankful.

I mentioned the pecans were dropping this year. Hurrah! Some years we have tons. Some years — like 2013 — we have zilch.



This prompted Lizzi — a bonny English lass —  to comment:




Yes Lizzi, pecans grow on trees. To be such a small nut, they sprout at the end of branches way, way up in the air.

On tall trees.  Between 100 — 140 feet tall.



It’s like having a 10-story building in your backyard.

Albeit a very tall, pencil thin 10-story building.




These big old lumbering beasts can produce fruit for 100 years or more.

The trees in Madison were probably here when General Sherman and Union troops marched through on their way to the sea.

But any more on that would involve a history lesson on the Civil War, Lizzi —  and is another post entirely.

I’m going out in the backyard.

And under all pecans in my hood.




And pick up pecans because I’m baking pies — lots of pecan pies.

Folks are ordering them and I’m going to donate all the $$$$ to my Ronald McDonald House TeamRMHC fund.

But is another post entirely too.

So there Lizzi.

That’s what life looks in the middle of a pecan orchard. In the middle of Georgia.


If anyone lives a short drive from my house and wants a homemade pecan pie delivered Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving, just let me know in the comments!

11 responses to “Yes, Dear Lizzi. They grow on trees.”

  1. Considerer says:

    Oh WOW! WOW! WOW! I am SO impressed.

    And…those are HUGE GINORMOUS TREES! You have very efficiently shattered my plans of finding some ‘live’ pecan nuts to plant and grow in my own garden. I have a feeling that wouldn’t work because my garden is the size of a pocket handkerchief, and I feel that the other people in the block of flats wouldn’t be too happy.

    BUT…if only I were driving distance from you – I would DEFINITELY buy a pecan pie. And good for you for such a lovely effort on behalf of the Ronald McDonald house.


  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Oh Lizzi — you need one of my pies! I shall charter a boat. No a submarine and set out tonight. Rats. I’ve got spaghetti sauce bubbling on the stove. I just don’t think it will work this year. But if I ever head your way, you know what will be in my suitcase.

  3. Oh man do I wish Georgia and CA were closer together, I’d love to buy a pie from you too. That is one tall tree! Enjoy!

  4. Vanessa D. says:

    I don’t think pecan trees grow as far North as I am, we’re stuck with walnuts, but walnuts are good too.

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Vanessa, I learned that pecans are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids but walnuts are like the best. So you’ve got that going for ya. 😉

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Elin — I’m up for a trip to California. Too bad it’s not in my pecan pie budget. Maybe another day.

  7. Mary says:

    What beautiful trees! And what a great way to use those bountiful pecans! I hope you sell lots and lots of pies.

  8. This is awesome! It may be worth moving near you just to get one of your pecan pies 🙂

  9. Considerer says:

    That would be SO awesome. Failing that…you could always share your recipe *sneaky grin*

  10. I have to admit I had no idea! Thanks for the lesson. And those trees are beautiful. If you’d like to donate one pie to my personal cause, ME, please feel free.

    Just kidding. Ronald Mcdonald House is more than a worthy cause, and I tip my hat (even though I don’t wear one) to you and your efforts to that charity.

  11. Jamie Miles says:

    I will bake one in your honor Cathy.:) And have a slice in your name at our Thanksgiving feast. 🙂

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