Writers write whether they feel mopey or not.

Writers write whether they feel mopey or not.

When I was cranking out a column a week for five years, I learned a few things about writing.

First, how forgiving my publisher and editor were to take on this novice writer/columnist and publish what I turned in week after week.

Second, writing as a profession is entirely different than emotional writing.

Writing inspired by the whisper of your muse is easy. It might not be good but the words flow.

When you are a humor columnist, I learned fairly quickly that your publisher, editor and most of all the readers expect funny.

That is fine, but there were many weeks during that five years, I didn’t feel funny.

But I loved this new found creative exercise so — that I decided to stretch my lump of writer clay and attempt something humorous when bills stacked high and the cat got flattened by a car.

Seeing my father like he is these days — I don’t feel like writing.

As a seasoned writer, I should have written a normal post and not even mentioned it.

But this is a blog and I’m wearing my blogging hat so I shall border too close to navel gazing and admit that it is hard to write anything that isn’t mopey.

This is my best shot for today.

I bet with a little more practice, I can be less mopey tomorrow.

Hang in there with me.

One response to “Writers write whether they feel mopey or not.”

  1. Gina says:

    We all have mopey days. You are funny even when you’re not trying (see flattened cat). I hope things look up for tomorrow.

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