Wish you were here.

Wish you were here.

Wish you were here. The message scrawled across postcards from the dawn of time. Or maybe from the dawn of Daytona Beach.

Today turned into that kind of day. A wish you were here day. Cold early but as the hour climbed so did the temperature. Had so much to do today, but in the back of my mind was Daytona Beach.

No silly.

I thought just maybe if the temps eked into the 60s, I might pull my bike out of winter storage. Scoop my son’s robe off the handle bars, lift it off the hall wall, take it outside, pump up the tires and ride.

Ride. I’d only rode once since the first of October.

I found myself getting strangely warm with anticipation — or was that a mild hot flash.

Then my son’s lovely girlfriend gave me my Christmas present.



A Dry-Fit, long sleeve shirt. A bright blue. Excellent for visibility for oncoming motorists who aren’t texting. Because if they are texting I’m screwed.

Okay, the Gators are a bit down this year but I slipped it on and it was soooo comfortable — I got inspired!

This picture was taken at the of a wrinkly day. So much for my career as a middle-aged catalogue model.

I was winded when I got back. Literally. There is so much more wind in the winter and spring.

With three more days of temps into the mid-60s and beyond, maybe I’ll get a few more rides in. And I’ll knock the dust completely off those old arrow bars.

How’s your weather this last of fall?

4 responses to “Wish you were here.”

  1. Wish I was there! I haven’t ridden a bike in forever (and all ours have flats, that’s how long). Nice shirt! And I’m glad I tuned in because I forgot it was the last day of fall, maybe because we have a foot of snow on the ground! Here’s to the beginning of the lengthening of the days, WOOHOO!

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    A foot of snow? No cycling for me there. I bet it’s pretty though.

  3. May says:

    We were in the 60s a couple days this week. Then the ice storm came. Then the snow covered the ice. Lets just say it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Kansas!

  4. MizYank says:

    I need to renew my love affair with the bike. Quite possibly it’s no coincidence that the bike and I drifted apart just as my case of Law Butt was worsening. (See, you wisely avoided this by making a different career choice!) Perhaps you’ve inspired me, here.

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