Why was I holding a spoon? And other ways to unwind.

Why was I holding a spoon? And other ways to unwind.

Yesterday had been one of those days.

Up early.

Race an hour away for an interview for story.

Do interview.

Race into shop there hoping to find more camp gear for daughter.

Race the hour home.

Race to appointment.

Dashed to store to pick up something for dinner. ย Workout.

You know the drill. We all live it.

Summers are my favorite time of year but the house stays ransacked with three children around most days.

A friend had texted about small gathering on her porch yesterday afternoon.

I was determined to get there.

Fifteen minutes late to leave, I decided to wear my exercise wear (no time to shower) and then I saw the dishwasher still half emptied. I reached down into the racks to finish the job before I left.

Then stopped.


I called a child to finish the task. And sped to my car.

When I got to my car in the drive I looked down at my hand and saw this.



I was scratching my head as to why I had a spoon in my hand — only remembering about the dishwasher much later.

Speeding through the beautiful rolling hills of the countryside, I noticed their green brilliance after all the rain.

I gathered my items and ran in my friend’s house to find smile faces. Putting down my spoon, I picked up a glass.

And took a deep breath.

June memories


And thanked God for dear friends who keep me sane.

What moments have you enjoyed this summer?

Do you let yourself rest from the busy fun?

Link up with Galit and Alison and Memories Captured.



17 responses to “Why was I holding a spoon? And other ways to unwind.”

  1. Hehe, I enjoyed your post and the perplexity of why you left with a spoon in your hand. I definitely treasury those relaxing moments with friends. My husbad and I have been having a lot of impromptu BBQ’s at our house since the weather got nice, and I’m treasuring those moments of spontaneity, as I am pregnant with my first child and know my life is going to change immensely.

    Stopping by from Memories Captured linkup.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Bev. I remember my last summer before my son was born in September. Enjoy it. Things are going to change very soon — in a wonderful way.

  3. Love that second picture (love both, actually) – that’s how I imagine southern porch life to be ๐Ÿ™‚
    I hope you enjoy your summer – I know I’m determined to ennjoy mine!

  4. Rivki Silver says:

    That picture made me chuckle out loud! I have definitely been there. I love the picture of the table – good friends are so important! Enjoy!

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Kerstin — I think that’s what it takes to enjoy like sometimes. Determination. And staying focused on what is important. Enjoy your Canadian summer as well.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Good friends are essential, aren’t they Rivki. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. April says:

    It is so hard to just relax and enjoy a moment. I am a single mom of three and I find myself looking and planning so far ahead on the schedule I don’t just enjoy the moment I am in. I think God “puts spoons in our hands” sometimes just to make us stop, laugh, and not take things so seriously! I have been reading the devotional JESUS CALLING by Sarah Young. It is wonderful and I am constantly reminded that my day isn’t about what gets done, at the end of the day it is about God and if we leave things to Him he does take care of us, but it is hard and takes constant reminding!

  8. Tracie says:

    I can definitely relate to looking down and feeling confused as to why I’m holding a certain object. The spoon picture made me smile.

    Friends who help to keep you sane are a necessity and a blessing.

  9. We can all relate to that! I love that picture!

    I am notorious for mindlessly putting things in the refrigerator. Keys? Mail?

  10. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s so funny you mention that devotional April. My mother-in-law gave it to me and I have so enjoyed it. Then somehow I recently ended up with two. I couldn’t figure it out. These things happen to me (re spoons). One day my college son home for the summer said “There’s my book.” He and his girlfriend are reading it. I didn’t know it and saw it — scooping it up and putting it in my pile. Needless to say – I was more than surprised he was reading it. But surprised in a good way.

  11. Jamie Miles says:

    My things end up in the microwave, Jessica.

  12. Alison says:

    I feel the same perplexity when I find random objects in my pockets at the end of the day. It’s usually child-related. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh yes, friends and being with them, is absolutely awesome and essential.

    Thank you for linking up!

  13. I can so relate! I will put something down, and have no idea where I just set it. But I JUST had it! And there’s some other random object in my hand instead. Good thing we have friends to help us slow down and breathe.

  14. tiffani says:

    I love that you called one of your kids to finish the dishwasher. Seems like we do so much and then we look over and see our kids relaxing. Glad you got to enjoy your friends.

  15. ohmygosh yes! I run out of the house with so many random things in my hands sometimes. It’s crazy. I don’t think that I can finish one task in its entirety before moving on to something else. But I agree – that’s what I’m looking forward to this summer, mostly simplicity.

  16. Galit Breen says:

    Oh Jamie, I love — and relate to — this so, so very much!

  17. Ilene says:

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve run around my house and realized I’ve had something odd in my hand – not exactly remembering how or when it got there. I can so identify with all of your racing around – and I am glad you have friends who keep you sane, just as I am grateful for mine!

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