“Where’s my computer?” And other fun travel escapades.

“Where’s my computer?” And other fun travel escapades.

‘”Where’s my computer?”

My husband asked while standing at baggage claim. We both looked down at a clump of bags.

I looked on my arm. Purse, check. My honking heavy computer bag, check. Carry on bag, check.

My husband’s computer. M.I.A.


Just after my husband disappeared into that sea of slot machines in search of his computer.


Yes, it was definitely gone. Left on the plane.

It’s amazing how little I panicked.

Why? Because it was his computer, Silly.

If it had been mine, my blood pressure would have jumped 3000 points. My breathing to gasping running-26 miles-levels.

Underarm sweat would have poured forth breaking through the best SECRET antiperspirant had to offer.

Most women carry purses. I’m constantly taking mental note that it’s there resting on my shoulder. That I haven’t left it at the checkout counter. Or resting on the circulation desk at the library. Same thing goes for my computer.

My hand slides down the thick black strap and gives the bag a little caress every now and then. It’s still there. Not left in the dentist office waiting room, or lying propped against a chair at Starbuck’s in the airport lounge.


Well, this story ends fine.

The good people of Air Tran had already spotted the laptop bag and had it securely waiting for him when he got to the gate.

And thankfully, we realized it was gone before we got in the cab or to the hotel.

Rest of the afternoon, we had a great time looking around the sights until our room was ready.  Having some refreshment.


Keeping up with purses and computers all along the way.

I enjoyed browsing in the shops while my husband had to go to a meeting. Then we met up to finally get into to our room.

Looking at his nice broad shoulders — I noticed one teensy thing missing.

“Where’s your computer?”

* * *


And yes. He had left his computer in the conference room and it was indeed found. Again.

Linking up with Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop. Prompt 1.) Write a post that begins and ends with the same line.

Have you lost a computer lately?


Mama’s Losin’ It

12 responses to ““Where’s my computer?” And other fun travel escapades.”

  1. tammigirl says:

    This is so us. If we are going to leave the lights on and have a dead battery we can’t just do it once. No, that would never do. We have to do it two or three (or more times) in a short span of time. If we lose something we have to lose it again, or lose the new one.

  2. Jerralea says:

    Wow, what a blessing to have had his computer found TWICE!

    I would have ended up carrying both computers ….

  3. May says:

    How thoughtful of him to provide you with the perfect story for this prompt! lol I might have been pretty calm the first time, thinking the plane is a finite space. But the second time…..

  4. Thank goodness he found it (twice!). I have never lost my computer (I would freak out!), but there must be something in the air because today I lost my glasses (found them at Staples, whew), and two days ago my husband lost his pocket knife and his “space pen,” easy to replace but both with sentimental value, and both still MIA 🙁

  5. Dana says:

    Haven’t lost a computer, but I am constantly losing my phone and I have to call myself to find it. It’s usually in my pocket.

  6. Court says:

    I used to lose everything but overtime I’ve gotten better at routines to help me keep the chaos at bay.

  7. I am the same way about my purse and computer when I’m out..I’m always checking for it.

    hi from MK’s

  8. This would so be a conversation with my husband…but I would be the one with the lost bag. Sigh. Great story. 🙂

  9. Janice says:

    Wow. How super lucky that people were nice enough to keep it for him…twice! Seriously, you gotta hold this one over his head or something because it’s definitely funny.

    On another note, are you still in Vegas? Win anything yet? 😉

  10. tiffani goff says:

    How fun you guys are in Vegas! I am laughing that he lost it a second time, my husband would do the same thing. Have a great weekend!
    xoxo tiffani

  11. Haha! Your hubs sure got lucky twice!

  12. Can’t say I have EVER done that. He obviously doesn’t have the same love as we do for our laptops. 😉

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