What would drive a grown woman to sit in a parking lot?

What would drive a grown woman to sit in a parking lot?

Here’s my view.


I’m sitting outside waiting on my child.

He’s at an appointment and I wasn’t about to spend the time in a dark waiting room looking out the window like a cat staring at the birds pecking at sparkles in the asphalt.

No. It occurred to me that I’m not a cat trapped inside only to experience fresh air and sunshine at someone’s whim.

So here I am seated on the curb typing on my phone. What I’d really like to do is spread out my sweat shirt and lay on down and take a nap.

I’m not that brave. If I was 20 I’d do it before you could say “Happy Hour” or “Spring Break” or both.

If I pull my cap down over my face, do you think anyone would notice?


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