What I do in the dark for friends.

What I do in the dark for friends.


The longer I have been getting up in the morning — the harder it’s become.

Arising to an alarm to go exercise in the dark takes it to another level.

I was to get up and run with friends this morning.

When my alarm went off at 4:15, I wasn’t so sure.

I lay in bed while an inner survival-of-the-fittest battle raged inside my immobile frame.

Who was the stronger? The sleepy me. Or the tired me who wanted to exercise.

That’s a.m.

Thirteen minutes before takeoff, the tired-me-who-knew-she-needed-to-meet-her-friends decided to get out of bed and head for the coffee pot.

Once the caffeine started brewing, there was no turning back.

I got dressed.

Don’t laugh. Okay, laugh if you need a laugh.

Coffee was done with a few minutes to spare.

I took a self portrait.

See. It is really dark at 5 a.m.


I couldn’t find a hair brush and time was running short.

Decided it didn’t matter a lick what my hair looked like because it’s 5 a.m..

I wrapped my hair in a ponytail and headed outside with the dog.

Here he is . . . .

He’s right down there. Can’t you see him?


Well, we waited and stretched and before we knew it, three little weaving beams of light headed across the street toward my driveway.


Our merry band headed out and ran a little over four miles.

That’s about all we do on days most of our pack has to head to jobs outside the home.

Got back in and stopped at the coffee.

This time I stood in front of the pot, I felt more awake and refreshed.

If if only my mind had been like this the moment the alarm sounded at 4:15.

What I do in the dark for friends?

I guess it’s more what friends do in the dark for me.

Do you exercise early in the morning? Or after work?


Linking up with Greta @Gfunkied and Julie @Mamamash for another Wednesday’s iPPP.


22 responses to “What I do in the dark for friends.”

  1. Farrah says:

    Is there an ‘I don’t’ option? Someday I will. When wrangling these little ones isn’t working out any more 🙂

    I don’t know how you do it- 4:15? Woah mama! Props lady.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    These days Farrah, it helps knowing my friends are going to be out there. And then that my exercise is done for the day. But after doing it for decades, it’s not as easy as it once was.

  3. Lisa says:

    I have headed out @ 5:30 before the hubs leaves for work. But now w/ both kids at school all or part of the day, I workout during daylight hours! Tho getting it done before 6:30am feels amazing.

    So are those toe shoes really all their cracked up to be?

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Lisa, ha.. yes, the barefoot shoes. I started wearing them in August and it has been an adjustment. They have so helped my tight hamstrings because I’m not pounding on the heel of a regular running shoe — but it has taken a lot of getting used to the pounding and lack of cushioning. I’ll have to explain my attraction and trouble with them in another post.

  5. Greta says:

    That is probably the only way I could get up that early….if someone was going to be waiting on me!

    I pretty much only exercise in the afternoon when the baby sleeps. Once in a while I do it at night, but by then I’m totally exhausted!

  6. Jules says:

    ahhhh….one of your “running buddies” was telling me about your toe shoes just this morning! So glad to actually see them on you and hear that they are working for you! I would like to hear what John has to say about the toe shoes. 🙂

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    Julie – you know who would look fabulous in these shoes? Steve. I can see him now running through the streets of town with his twinkle toes.

  8. tiffani goff says:

    Hi Jamie,

    Love your blog!!! I used to get up and work out at 5:00 am years ago, but now I could never get my butt out of bed at that time.

  9. Jamie Miles says:

    That makes two of us Tiffani. But I manage to do it one day a week. ugh.

  10. Mama Pants says:

    I love how blurry everything is! Illustrates the story very well 🙂 You are amazing to get up willingly at that ungodly hour. Well done. I’m slow clapping for you over here!

  11. Julie says:

    Those pictures made me sleep.


  12. Julia says:

    Oh I don’t think I could or would ever be able to get up that early to exercise. Good for you. I’m more of a night owl than a morning person.

  13. Tracy says:

    5am! Woman! You are BADASS. I could never, but I am so impressed by your motivation.

    Yeah, those shoes make me giggle every time I see them.

  14. Kerstin says:

    The shoes are more than fascinating and I can’t wait for that post about them!
    I get up early every morning, just to have some quiet time and I think it would be a good time to exercise as well. It’s gonna be too cold soon enough here in Canada to exercise outside at 5:30 am, but I have an elliptical that needs some lovin’.

  15. Ducky says:

    I love how blury 447 is and how much more in focus 605 is. Pretty telling, isn’t it? My alarm sounded routinely at 4:30 AM Earth time for nearly 12 years. I don’t know how I did it.

    Most days now, it goes off about 715 and I struggle with that! Makes me laugh when I think about it

  16. Kristen says:

    Holy Shnikes! That is all kinds of early! I need my sleep. If I met my friends that early in the morning to run…they wouldn’t be my friends anymore. I am so not a morning person.

  17. Katie E says:

    Haha…I’m with Farrah and the I don’t option. But I should. And I want to – kind of. I do better if I manage it in the morning, but it’s close to impossible when my oldest has to get up at 5:30 (with my assistance) and the baby is often up and needing me by 5:00…

    Glad you have friends who enjoy fun morning exercise!

  18. Jamie Miles says:

    That is an early start to your day, Katie. The one good thing is that when I get home so early, I can get the children up and moving earlier.

  19. May says:

    I am soooooooooooo not a morning person! I got antsy just reading this. But-oh, when I force myself up and moving, I feel better all day. And sleep like a rock that night. Crap….no denying it. I need to do this too.

  20. Alisha says:

    I loved reading your post. This morning my covers almost won…over my 6 am in cold dark run. I love it when they don’t win…it is so worth it!!! Happy early morning running!!!

  21. Jamie Miles says:

    I love that Alisha. The covers didn’t win. Perfect.

  22. Galit Breen says:

    Hee! Oh girl, we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one!

    Love me anyway? 🙂

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