
What do you mean?

Today I spent most of the day with my mother. At IKEA.


 It’s funny. Even at 81, she has more of an idea what she wants in the space she lives than I do in mine.

Mom had her list. We drove into Atlanta and she did her thing.

I looked over the desks for my future office space when we move into our renovated house in the year 2019.

I saw a very funky table top leg combo that I liked.

“You don’t want that. That will be in the first room people see when they come in the house. You need this.”

And she proceeded to show me what I needed. It wasn’t bad. But I liked the other better. Happy to inform you that I’m going to get the table I want. But as I typed that my breath got a bit quicker and blood pressure a bit wavier.

It’s funny living close to a woman who never got to express her opinion due to a domineering husband.

She is a woman unleashed. As much as a 81-year-old woman can be. Eighty-one-year-old women don’t burn their bras. They unhinge their tongues.

These days I flat out tell her, “Mom you are so passive aggressive.”

She replies, “You always say that.  . . . What do you mean?”


Only a passive aggressive genius would throw back — what do you mean?

We had fun. I just have to realize she won’t change and I need to. It’s okay to get whatever darn table I want.


NaBloPoMo, Day 12.



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