Wednesday’s Inspiring Woman ~ the artist next door….Trish Jones.

Wednesday’s Inspiring Woman ~ the artist next door….Trish Jones.

I don’t know if I’m convinced the entire Jones family is telling the truth. Last year right before Christmas, a few neighbors gathered at the house of Rob and Trish Jones to go caroling.

It had been a while since I’d been in Trish’s house, and walking into her kitchen I spied this or something like this…


And something like this…

 And then these dear things started appearing…


Pictures like these lined the wall by her kitchen dining table..

“These are so very dear, who on earth is the clever artist?”


 Excuse me.

For the next half hour of caroling, I asked her husband, our neighbor Denise, our other neighbor Deidre…I asked her children.

They all confirmed (with laughter). I think it was the laughter that kept me guessing. 

Her scripture paintings are some of my favorite gifts. I nonchalantly ask the person their favorite verse…and Trish works her magic. Guess that element of surpise is now gone from my giving.

I asked this wonder, self-taught art diva some questions…

How did you get started painting? Is this you have always done?

 I worked at my consulting business until about three years ago when the commercial construction industry ground to a halt. 

I’ve always enjoyed “creating things” and used my newfound free time to start painting.  A few years ago, I volunteered to paint backdrops for the various plays my children were in with Kathleen Bryant.  I always enjoyed painting the sets… so one day I painted a few things on small canvases and placed them on Ebay, where they sold quickly. 

 Those sales gave me the courage to open my Etsy shop, TheOldPostRoad (click on to link) and I’ve been painting “for real” for a little over two years. 


Do people ask you to paint specific scriptures? What are some of the more popular ones? I get plenty of requests for specific scriptures. I personally like “Trust in the Lord and Do Good”  as well as “Be Joyful always, Pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances.” The most popular request I get is for Jeremiah 29:11. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ I looked.

 Your site features a lot of creative, fun art objects? Do you sell anything else? I share a little booth at Madison Markets where I have a few things I’ve sewn or made.  Mulberry Toys has been a big supporter of mine from the beginning, they have paintings displayed for sale. 

 I just enjoy creating things. When I get impatient with my lack of time, I have to remind myself that I will have more time to create when my kids are grown – my main focus is on the three of them, right now. 

Who is your online customer? 

Most of my online customers seem to be readers of my blog.  In fact, I just sold a painting, today, to one of my readers. I started the blog after I opened my Etsy shop specifically to market my art.  It seems to be working. The marketing available through the blogworld is amazing. I was invited to participate in my first art show last year through one of my readers.  

I love your birds. How did you create him? 

I painted the first little birdie one night at the kitchen table while my family harassed me about how and why I was painting him a certain way. He turned out very cute, so I actually have the family to thank for him.



When do you paint?   I try to paint while the kids are in school, but often find myself painting when I should be finishing dinner. I am fortunate to have a supportive family and self-sufficient kids. They rarely complain about the time I spend painting, unless it makes them late for school.  Your children are late for school? I guess I never noticed because we are always running late.

 I paint in spurts, sometimes starting two or more paintings a day if I am really inspired, and sometimes only one in a month if I am in a creative drought. It is difficult to make yourself paint when you know you have other more pressing things you need to be doing. More pressing things?



What do you enjoy most about painting?    It is wonderful to have time to do something I enjoy. I almost feel guilty about it. After so many years of work, daycare, airplane flights, rental cars, reports, and deadlines, I am in a completely different world.

I love Trish”s world. The place she escapes to create.

The only thing I said she’s missing is a cardinal. But she admitted to being wedded to those wrens. I’ve never painted a cardinal. I prefer cuter birds.

Darn. I’m not understanding that cardinals aren’t cute. I guess it’s an artist thing.

Don’t I have the coolest neighbors?

Just goes to show you never know what’s going on in your friends lives ~ if you haven’t poked around in their kitchen for a while. Please come poke around in my kitchen anytime. No cute art of mine will be on the wall, but this time of year their will be French Vanilla coffee in the pot.

I think I’m convinced Trish really does these things. She says she even might work on a cardinal some time for me. Guess then I’ll know for sure.

Thanks Trish…can’t wait to see all the art that comes from your heart by way of your brush through the years.





5 responses to “Wednesday’s Inspiring Woman ~ the artist next door….Trish Jones.”

  1. mary says:

    thanks for doing this. i follow Trish’s blog and it was nice to hear a little more about her.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Trish does so much — I’m starting to read her blog just to keep up with all that she’s got going on.

  3. Pat says:

    Hi I follow Trish blog…and funny thing. I can see why it’s so unbelievable that she’d paint these and you NOT know about it. She is so humble. That’s why.

    I recently posed the question, how did you get started? and is there a post somewhere I can read about her painting?
    She gave me this link; because she couldn’t remember if she’d ever posted much about it. Ha!
    She just doesn’t like to blow her own horn I guess.
    You did a lovely and cute post about her here. I bet she is a sweet neighbor to have as well.

    Going to nose around your blog a bit! Nice to meet you Jamie!


  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks for stopping by Pat. Trish’s style is evolving. I love watching her creative energy. But honestly, though we live right across the street — I learn more about her goings-on through her blog.

  5. Jill says:

    Trish IS an incredible lady and artist! I LOVE her blog too! 🙂

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