Traveling with children. Boost that immune system.

Traveling with children. Boost that immune system.

I was compensated for this post…but as always, I don’t write what I don’t believe.


Traveling with children,


No one can say “been there and done that” any more than I.

Nothing I love more than throwing some clothes in the suitcase, some bikes on a rack and some children in the car heading out for adventure.

This summer we’ve been all over the place and still have one more long weekend trip to go.


Some of those trips have been to the mountains…



To the sea…


Amusement parks…



Even for veteran moms like me, there is one thing we can’t control — our children’s digestive systems.

Away from home,  we often don’t eat and drink like we should.

Lots of fast food.

Lots of coffee for me. Soft drinks for the kids.

And what we consume is often on the run and at irregular times.


Then there’s the worry that having fun in the summer means being around lots of other people having fun — which means exposure to germs.

So just stay home, right?

No way.

I’ve learned about Culturelle, a leading national, number one pediatrician recommended probiotic supplement. I’m a big believer in putting that good immune-boosting bacteria into our bodies. Around here, we eat lots of yogurt and bananas and I try to cook with lots of fresh garlic and onion — but what to do when traveling?

Coming in packet and tablet form, one serving daily helps keep your child’s digestive tract running smoothly and staying healthy. Did you know that 70% of your immune system defenses can be found in your digestive tract? It follows that a healthy stomach and intestine system is a key to overall wellness.

It’s so easy to take.  Either mix a packet in liquid.



Or take a berry-flavored tablet.



My children (notorious for refusing to take medicine) didn’t make any fuss. If fact, they looked forward to it.

And since it was such a comfort to know I was helping their immune system on hectic travel days, I’ve continued to supplement their diet now that the rush of the school year is starting.

One little pill. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.


I’m so happy to have learned about Culturelle.

A healthy kid is a happy child.



That makes a mom’s job a lot easier.

And makes mom a lot happier, too.



3 responses to “Traveling with children. Boost that immune system.”

  1. Lisa says:

    Could not agree more! And did you also know that chlorine/pool water kills all good and bad bacteria on contact w/ their bellies? So I dbl up on pool days. Granted mine are younger than yours, so they’re not super great at keeping the ol mouth closed while yelling “cannonball” off the diving board. 😉

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    That made me laugh Lisa…I didn’t know that about the pool but it certainly makes sense. “Cannonball!”

  3. Susi says:

    We eat a lot of yogurt and cook with garlic here too. I have heard of culturelle and may get it for my kids. Probiotics seem so important.

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