Today’s transforming treasure muse. Keeping priorities in line.

Today’s transforming treasure muse. Keeping priorities in line.

Sally still thought priorities a dirty word. They challenged her tendency to be content with life in a clump of oysters, in the mud, at the bottom of the bay.

John Ed speaks of the checkbook test. Look at your checkbook register and that will tell you where your priorities lie. 

Of all the things my dear Atlanta pastor, Don Harp, used to say ~ this was one of the top three. “What would someone looking at your checkbook think was important to you?” 

Makes me think on two things: 

Does anyone have a check book anymore? 

I never had much luck with one. 

And let’s not get personal.

Numbers, subtraction — a smidge of addition every now and then.  It took discipline to mark things down the minute you spent it to head off trouble later. 

That’s why giving to needs to come first. Off the top. 

Because subtractions always come.And the chances you have enough left to give what you originally intended grow dim. 

Each day, there is something I should have done that I didn’t get around to. Multiple that by a week, then a year. 

Over a lifetime, that’s a lot of things  left undone. 

Priorities might not be such a bad thing. 

This was not our house last night. I definitely would not wear pearls with that check skirt.

3 responses to “Today’s transforming treasure muse. Keeping priorities in line.”

  1. john miles says:

    Very good observations. You have always kept our family on track when it comes to giving. Much of what I understand about having a Godly attitude about giving came from you.

  2. I have been really working at keeping my priorities in line these past few months. It is so easy prioritize my day with the fun stuff first instead of the most important first. Thanks for the gentle reminder to keep my priorities in check.

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    That is so very true. Doing the fun stuff ~ or the stuff (like cleaning and laundry) ~ that suddenly becomes fun when I have things I really don’t want to do. That brings to mind a few things I need to take care of right now.

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