Today’s Muse. My Dirty Laundry Habit.

Today’s Muse. My Dirty Laundry Habit.

If I’m found dead crushed from the weight of a fallen shower rod,  you as readers of this post can help the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office piece together what the h*@ll happened.

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Don’t deny it. Everyone has idiosyncrasies, perversions even. 

Behaviors that start small.  

We want to make changes to our bathroom so we collect remodeling magazines. Ten years later the same cracked tile lines the bathroom floor, yet we’ve acquired every home remodeling magazine since May 4, 1970.  Stacked so high and wide, they block entrance to the bathroom we wanted to redo in the first place.

The problem.


I can’t put clothes in the dryer.

Well, I can put towels, my son’s graying t-shirts and gym shorts, but if it’s cotton and color — I can’t do it.

I shared a house with a woman in law school. The  washer and dryer room was lined with her Peachtree Road Race t-shirts drying on hangers.

Remember these? Every year, the design was the same -- just in a different color.


But  I noticed that her green race shirt from 1988 looked vibrant and mine looked faded as me after a 3 mile run these days.

I started hanging my PRR shirts.  Years went by — I started hanging everything.

I also acquired more bodies for whom I was responsible for washing and hanging laundry.

The other bathroom.


I can’t let a $3.00 t-shirt from Target go in the dryer. It’s like pouring out old water from a plastic water bottle. (Can’t do that either. Have to dose some thirsty plant — but that’s an entirely different post.)

Guess one day I’ll be back hanging wet clothes for two.

That is if my husband hasn’t left me for a spankin’ hot 80 year old who uses her dryer for something other than to fluff pillows.

Okay, confess. What is your weird laundry habit?

8 responses to “Today’s Muse. My Dirty Laundry Habit.”

  1. john miles says:

    I learn so much by reading your blog. I do have a question – What is the explanation for the clothing on the dinning room table?

  2. Jamie says:

    I addressed that phenomenon in an earlier post.

  3. jani says:

    You guys are hilarious… you really were meant for Africa. I miss a dryer sooooo much. Are you saying the DRYER fades the clothes??

  4. Jamie says:

    Yes, Janice. It’s not the water temp at much as heat blasting in dryer that wears the fabric and color out. Like me.

  5. Karen Griffith says:

    You opened a can of worms with the laundry question – everyone has a laundry monster that continues to rear its ugly head!
    One of my idiosyncrasies is directly affected by one of Dave’s. He wants everything – yes, even those paint-stained t-shirts pulled form dryer 🙂 – on hangers. He does not own a piece of furniture with drawers for his clothes. Socks – stacked on a shelf; underwear – stacked on a shelf. EVERYTHING else on hangers.
    And I think the hangers must be color-coded…work shirts & work pants on one color, polos on one color, slacks on one color, and yes, each item has its specific place in the closet.

  6. Jamie says:

    Wow Karen. I hope u have a lot of closets. You need to come over and color-coordinate ours. People would pay for such a talent. Maybe this is start of new career. Karen’s Closets. Where everything is exactly where it should be.

  7. Jeannie says:

    Love, love, love reading this!! Mine is towels. I’ve been accused of being so laid back that my personality isn’t a letter (Type A, Type B, etc.), but towels have to be folded a certain way, facing a certain way. Every towel must be put in the same way, such that they all face the same direction, with the folds matching.
    Maybe I do get a personality letter afterall…

  8. Jamie Miles says:

    Jeannie. I fold my towels any which way. Bur it does bug the heck out of me when a towel tower topples over. I bet your towels don’t topple.

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