
Today’s Muse…is there still such thing as sin?

Sally the oyster had a slight problem. She kept waking up in the wrong bed.


 Day 6 of treasures of the transformed life. overcoming obstacles.    

Mathison observed as you commit to God and commit to studying His word ~ there is going to be resistance.    

 By Satan.    


He referenced Matthew 4, the temptation of Jesus. The temptations came in three categories. A temptation to a physical appetite, to a personal exception and a temptation of power.    

The physical appetite = Jesus had fasted for 40 days. Satan knowing Jesus’ power suggested he turn the stones to bread. That’s our weakness to alcohol, too much food, sex without boundaries, any physical weakness. They are never satisfied.  That’s why there’s never an open bag of Fritos allowed in our house. It’s not is not safe for me; it’s not safe for the Fritos.   

The idea of exception = Satan told Jesus to fling Himself off the Temple because God would command His angels to rescue Him. We can sample drugs, indiscriminate sex, inappropriate relationships of any kind, walking through the shoe department at Nordstroms with only $50 dollars in our checking  account

or texting v. inappropriate photos of ourselves to coworkers because we are a superstar football player who also happens to be a grandfather. Eeewww.

Because we are the exception. We can handle it.  

Power = Satan offered Jesus a kingdom as far as the eye could see. Power as a temptation, nuff said.    

“Once we’re in relationship with God, deciding whether or not to give into temptation becomes an easier choice.”   

How could the enemy try to keep  me from moving ahead in my walk with God?

One thing I’ve learned with temptation ~ when you least expect it expect it.  

How could God help me fight temptation?

Make chocolate chip cookies calorie free.   

God can’t exist with sin. When we try to satisfy our own messed-up-ness by giving into to temptation God is not going to bless that. He loves us too much.  

I mean really ~ who could be afraid of this guy?   


That’s the problem. The devil is not Jon Lovitz dressed up in a Halloween costume.



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