Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Decked Out Halls. Madison, Georgia Christmas Tour.

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Decked Out Halls. Madison, Georgia Christmas Tour.

The Madison Christmas Tour is this weekend. My in-laws and my across the street neighbors are on the candlelight portion.


For my in-laws not so much.

But for my neighbor the ever-creative, ever-talented Trish Jones (her coolio decorating/art blog) — in a word. WOW.

She and her house from the 1800’s are up to the task.

It’s just that she is a wife, mother of three with a thriving Etsy shop . . . and well, she is a mother of three.

Here was her house tonight.


We were met at the door by some proper young docents.

Then I witnessed this derelict docent racing back to her station inside.

Wonder who was distracting her from her duty?

Earlier today, I went over there for a sneak peak and it looked so great.



I’ve never matured enough in my decorating skills to use fresh fruit.

Not that I  don’t like it, it’s so Williamsburgy and traditional.

And traditionally, I’m decor-challenged.

Trish. 🙂 Sorry I took this before I reset my camera’s speed.

Look at all the neat touches. Just scattered about.

Trish bought this tree on eBay last summer and handmade all the ornaments.

Homeowner Rob, running to complete some decorating task or running from the camera.

Look at her cute solution to the non-working fireplace in their bedroom.

The journalist hard at work.

I could go on and on because her things were so adorable — but in the interest of hard-hitting journalism — I have the courage to show you the behind the scenes story.

A few hours before showtime, a few traces of life with three children remained.

And . . .

So I took off my crackerjack reporter hat and put on my good neighbor hat and started folding.

Rob jumped into.

If you’re in our neck of the nape tomorrow, the show goes on for one more night.

It is a lot of fun.

Because my house is not on display.

What about you? Would you open your door to hundreds of good folks at Christmas time?

* * *

And that completes my 30 days of November participating in NaBloPoMo: National Blog Posting Month.

Woo! Made it.

4 responses to “Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Decked Out Halls. Madison, Georgia Christmas Tour.”

  1. To answer your question, in a word: NEVER. I think my house is in arrested adolescent stage (hmm…maybe me too). Lovely photos and a beautiful house! Wish I could tour in person.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Ha Julia, that’s about what I’d say. Though I never say never because then it will happen for sure. I once agreed to have our house on a fall tour and my husband found out and said “you are INSANE.” So I had to call and decline. Embarrassing, but probably the right decision.

  3. angelina says:

    sheepishly, eyes turned downward, she admits:
    yes. my house was on a christmas tour. in, um, 1995, i think.
    and, other than planning a wedding, it was the most stressful experience of my life.
    but since mark and i ended up in morgan county BECAUSE we attended a christmas tour of homes here, it was the least i could do.
    now i’m just thankful that the house looks so well-worn that no one would even dream of asking. whew.
    well done for the jones’ and the rest of the families who participate. it is an enormous undertaking, but so many enjoy it. thanks for the sneak peek.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    I always imagined you brave Angelina, now I know for sure! I think I will go to my grave without being on Tour.

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