The Alarm Clock. My New Time Machine.

The Alarm Clock. My New Time Machine.

Calendar Dragon

This is a big day. For the last week (work week), I have gotten up at 4 a.m. Made it a full week. That’s at least 5 waking hours I added to my lifetime.

If I do that for 52 weeks that makes…let me find the calculator…because I am tired and hopeless at math even when I am not tired.

That makes 260 hours waking hours added to a year. I will gain 10.8 DAYS.

If the Lord gives me 30 more years…waking up an hour earlier adds 325 days. I gain almost a full year of life.

WOW. That was a lot of math.

And that is a lot of time. To learn, to write, to study God’s word, to swim, to bike, to run. To work on building up your client base…to hug and to take quantum leaps toward playing Jingle Bells on the banjo. To volunteer or show love in ways you’ve always felt led but never could find the time. Well, we found it!

I found five hours this week.

The sky’s the limit. Just five days a week. Take some time this weekend to think about what you could do with 10.8 days added to your year.

Just think about how much one could sleep…

Have great Friday.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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