Thanksgiving Feast with the King.

Thanksgiving Feast with the King.

It was a make-up lunch.

Earlier in the week, my son asked if I could chaperon his field trip Tuesday. I couldn’t and he started trippin’ the guilt.

I quickly countered, “I’ll have lunch with you on Thursday.”

“And bring Burger King?” he quipped.

“And bring Burger King.” I agreed and hoped he would forget. Shame on me but I’m trying to get things done by the holiday and those hours they are at school count double.

He didn’t forget, so yesterday I raced up to Burger King and raced over to the school thinking I was lateĀ  — only to find a parking lot overflowing with cars.

The Thanksgiving Luncheon. Good grief. I completely forgot.

Dismissing a notion to throw the car in reverse, I parked and carried the Burger King bag into the entrance of the school that was packed with parents waiting for children dressed like this.

This arrived in the mail today. From Mother.

Me at around five. Visiting my grandparents, I put on my grandmother’s apron and Grandaddy snapped this shot. I guess I thought our Puritan fore-mothers wore aprons while they were mixing up all those pumpkin pies.

Finally I saw my son and we scampered to the parents’ table to eat. Another friend was there eating with his daughter. “I had no idea this was Thanksgiving lunch,” he said. “Is this new?”

I didn’t know and still felt irrationally embarrassed about bringing BK while all the other school children were eating turkey and dressing. It wasn’t like it was some sacred meal, right?

Getting ready to go I kissed my son.

“Sorry you missed out on Thanksgiving dinner, I didn’t know.”

“Oh I knew,” he replied. “That’s why I wanted you to bring me lunch. I hated it last year.”

Have your children had their school Thanksgiving feast?

4 responses to “Thanksgiving Feast with the King.”

  1. Lisa says:

    Yep, then we promptly went to Chick-fil-A.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Ha Lisa. My 19 yo went to an all-you-can-eat Nuggets and Fries for $10 the other night at a Greenville, SC, Chick-fil-A. He texted that he stopped at 36 nuggets. No word on the fries.

  3. IASoupMama says:

    My kids brought cold lunch because we all forgot it was Thanksgiving celenbration. My daughter didn’t mind at all. My son, however, came home and barely made it into the door before bawling the he didn’t get to have turkey or pumpkin bars. Thank goodness we had some leftover turkey in the fridge and I had all the stuff on hand to make pumpkin bars. He was fine after we had a mini-Thanksgiving for supper instead of for lunch.

    I, however, felt like I couldn’t get it right no matter what I did because he’s been refusing hot lunch, so I packed him a cold lunch. I asked him why he didn’t just take hot lunch and not eat his cold lunch, but he said it was too much trouble. As if…

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Pumpkin bars? Intriguing. I’d cry if I missed those too.

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