
Thank God, God is my Personal Trainer.

Oh faithful blog readers.

Superwoman has an update. Or is it Wonder Woman?

Last time we heard from The Green Lantern — no sillies, personal trainer and Superwoman, Beverly Morris, she was about to have breast cancer surgery. Strawberry Man had made a very interesting proposal.

And I have a picture of Strawberry Man now. If y’all are very, very good I’ll post it one of these days.

So last time we heard from our heroine, it was days before Christmas. Facing the dilemma of no health insurance, she learned of emergency Federal funds to help with the cost of surgery.

So . . . take it away Beverly:


It has been too long. I have been dealing with so many things. This is not about me. I just want this blog post to bless people. This is about God touching all in ways that we may never know . . .


Me and Beverly last week when I told her "you need to do an update post."

Me and Beverly last week when I told her “you need to do an update post.” Isn’t she looking good? Back in the gym, yelling at her rug rat clients.


Alive and Well.

Yes. I’m alive and well. I had surgery on January 2. Beforehand, I worked hard on getting mentally ready. Your mind can work against you. Maybe that is why the bible refers to many scriptures about keeping your mind fit?

I researched everything I could get my hands on. It felt like I had been to medical school in one weekend. Knowledge is the lifeline. The bible says my people die from lack of knowledge. As a man thinks so is he. How about the one that says to renew our minds? I am so thankful God is my personal trainer.

It was wonderful to see the different ways he showed me that he had my back. Like the day of surgery. The prep nurse — who I did not know — looked at me and said, “I think I know you.”

I thought well, I get that all the time. But she said, “No, I have been praying for you. You are the trainer with breast cancer.”

Well, I have never been referred to that way. I have had people say:

* I’m the best.

*  I’m hard on them.

*  But not the trainer with breast cancer.

It has been eight weeks since I lost my breast to cancer. In that period, I’ve gone through some challenging times. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I had tubes coming out everywhere.

When I was having the first tubes removed, you would have thought the doctor was fly-fishing. That was a pain I never want to experience again. For two days, I could not talk and was very short of breath.

They say I’m in the first phase of reconstruction. As a body builder in my younger days, I worked hard on my pectoral muscles. However that does not work too well when you have breast cancer . . . or should I say had breast cancer.

During the reconstruction surgery, my doctor said it was sewing a saddle on a horse. I never had been referred to in that way either. Then three weeks out from my operation, I got an infection and was put on three rounds of antibiotics. The infection resulted from my body rejecting the expanders they put under my pectoral muscles. My doctor looked at the situation on a Wednesday and ordered a new surgery to redo my left side.

So I had two days to make my case with Lord. I looked up every scripture on healing. I read all the events in the bible where he healed. It said that he was the same today as he was then and he said to remind him of his word. So I really had to get in the word so I would know what I was talking about. I did not want to do that surgery again. I know that God works through doctors and I had two great surgeons. Now it was time for the master of them all to once again to show me he had my back.

On Friday I showed up for surgery. I really did not want to do this one — so I asked to speak to the doctor before we started. I asked him to look at it again. I thought it looked a lot better. He agreed and there was no surgery.  #happydance

If we could just have that trust at all times knowing he works things out for our good.

During my initial surgery to remove the cancer, they took 16 lymph nodes. Really, Doc? Sixteen of them?

So, yes I’m numb all on my back. But that feeling will come back. The most important thing is when the lab report came back — not one of them had cancer.

God does have my back. He knows what he is doing.

If we could have that trust all the time that he does work things out for our good. That he is in control. No matter what we are facing, it’s about where our hearts are.

My prayer for all my friends is to always have a heart of trust in the Father. So that you will be able to face and endure the wonderful plan he has for you. We are so special to him. Come on guys, he knows how many hairs we have on our heads –which mine have gotten thinner.

Things are going to happen. All the happenings in life are for a purpose. May all of us trust him to allow the purpose to happen. He has a plan. They are good plans. We may not understand but we trust him.

Keep your prayers going up. Thank you for taking this ride with me.

Good health to all.


See. Such great news. We are all so thankful that Beverly is in the gym again so our bodies won’t completely fall apart before the beach in a few months.

I’ll make sure she checks in with us every so often and how her body is soon to gets down and dirty with push-ups again.

Please give Wonder Woman a shout in the comments.




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