Ten things that “make me go hmm.” If I can think of 10.

Ten things that “make me go hmm.” If I can think of 10.

I must be a simple person.

This Monday, Stasha gave Ellen and Erin of Sisiterhood of the Sensible Moms the task of picking the list for Monday Listicles.



This is where the problem started. Other than wondering how a squash in my garden increases 10 times overnight, I don’t really wonder much.

Occasionally anxious, depressed, goofy and forever distracted — but curious? Me not so much.

Never one to miss out on a Listicle, I figured out the perfect substitute,



10.  How does this….



Become this?


9.  How is there a bottomless jug of milk, Gatorade and Chardonnay (Oops, guess I do have a hmm) always in the fridge?


8.  How come the car’s gas tank never runs dry?


7.  Why is the dog never hungry in light of the fact that no one ever buys dog food, much less puts it in his bowl?



6. Why do we have the only dog on the face of the earth that never has to void waste material from his body?


5.  How do dirty dishes that we drop in the sink become clean and on the shelf again?


4.  How is there an organic, home-cooked meal waiting for us at the dinner table every night at 6:30? (Okay. If I ever wrote a falsehood in this blog that just might have been it.)


3. How do we arrive at school day after day when none of us wants to go?


2. How do doughnuts appear on the kitchen counter before we wake up every Saturday?



1. Though most people grow old and gray ~ how come Mommy stays the same forever and ever and ever?


What do you think might make your children go hmm?

9 responses to “Ten things that “make me go hmm.” If I can think of 10.”

  1. Loved your spin on the Listicle! It could have been mine if you replaced “dog” with “cat” and added a nasty litter box.

    But please tell me the folded TP starter was just for dramatic effect, otherwise, I am not worthy. Ellen

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    You got me…the fold was definitely for effect.

  3. Diane says:

    Great list and number 1 was THE perfect hmmmmm to end off with! 😀

  4. Stasha says:

    I was totally shy to ask about the fold. All of the sudden I thought ‘what if everyone else does this??!’ So thanks Ellen.
    I can only imagine how confusing the world will be to your beautiful children when they fly the coop 🙂 I still think that dinners magically appear at the table. Sitting and waiting in vain since 1996…

  5. #6 and #7 is exactly why we don’t have a dog….yet…

  6. Ado says:

    Lovely! I want to live at your house, especially on Saturday mornings. (-:

  7. Bridget says:

    It must be the maid, that’s who my kids think do everything around here.

  8. Susi says:

    Ha ha ha…bet these make my kids go hmmm, too. 🙂

  9. RoryBore says:

    donuts and pretty folded toilet paper…hhhmmmmm…

    when can I move in?

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