Ten Things of Thankful . . . Spring Break Diaries.

Ten Things of Thankful . . . Spring Break Diaries.

Okay. I’m a midlife mother of three.

This is not your Daytona Beach Spring Break.

I have been such a terrible blogger lately. Pooh on that. So linking up with Lizzie and the fun thankful crew for my 2014 Spring Break edition:



10.   No we did not travel with the college hordes to Daytona or Fort Lauderdale.  For which I am very thankful.

Surely kids don’t go to Fort Lauderdale anymore? That probably went the way of wet t-shirt contests. Both are so 1980s.

I mean who needs a t-shirt anymore?

Well of course I do ( a very parched one ) because any other scenario would terrify all.


9.   We picked strawberries.

But darn that I froze so many of them already.

They are wonderful dropped in flutes full of champagne, but in your oatmeal?  Not so much.



8.    I didn’t have to hustle everyone off to school and could lay quiet in bed for half hour after the alarm went off at 6 a.m.

Yes. If you lie like a corpse and slow your breathing down to 20 intakes per minute, you can fake the cats out.

And they won’t be making biscuits in your hair, till you get up and feed them.


7.     No set bedtime, either.  Which is not as much fun for me as it is from my children.


6.     The beach on Easter.  Rain but fun.




5.      Daughter went in with dad to work. Thankful they both had a good time.




4.   The zoo.  We used to go all the time when we lived in town and my oldest was a preschooler.  I probably hadn’t been there in 10 years.

Thankfully the elephants are still elephanty.  They still have trunks and big ears and all.




3.  The azaleas were still in bloom.

Okay. I’m noticing flowers and photoing them = old person.




2.   Thankfully they stopped letting you feed the giraffes right as we walked up to try.

I just have gotten up enough courage to give a local horsey in a pasture a carrot. And my friend horsey keeps his tongue locked behind his teeth. This dear giraffe just looks a little out-of-my-comfort-zone.


1.  They still keep the snakes behind glass.


Yes. So much Spring Break fun to be thankful for — but back to the grindstone tomorrow.


What are you thankful for this week?

Ten Things of Thankful

9 responses to “Ten Things of Thankful . . . Spring Break Diaries.”

  1. zoe says:

    That looks like a pretty fun week! I take flower shots too and I also wonder if that’s a sign of aging…damn. Ick on the giraffe tongue but man they are still so cute. Love the pick of dad day at work!

  2. Love the comment of being an “old person” b/c you photograph or notice flowers :). I also have found myself looking at birds with the same thought!

    The azaleas were in bloom when we were in FL several weeks ago. So gorgeous!

  3. Hm…those giraffes look pretty scary with those awful tongues! Love the zoo, though – thinking about going to our local one next weekend with Kidzilla. Everybody got new hiking boots today so we have to break them in a little!
    I love the azaleas – remind me of the ones my Grandparents had in the front yard of their home. Miss them…the flowers, but most especially my Grandparents. Thanks for sharing the picture – brought back some great memories!

  4. Debbie says:

    I am with you on not having to jump out of bed at 6am to start chasing the children for school, that first coffee of the day tastes so much better enjoyed in a stress free environment!

    Looking at the photos my two are older than yours, so I was heading to bed before them many nights – I am an early bird by default.

    Love the pictures and you would have thought that in todays day and age, they would have been able to do something with the size of elephants ears and trunks!

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes Debbie. Those darn elephants are determined to stay HUGE. Which is a good thing, I guess.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Azaleas are wonderful. I remember picking them for my mother and presenting her with a bouquet.

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    I know. Giraffe’s are cute — like big, strange looking cows.

  8. Melanie says:

    Elephants are always my favorite! I am glad they stay so elephanty (possibly my new favorite word, and hope I can find a way to use it in conversation soon…)
    An excellent spring break by the sound of it!

  9. Kimberlly says:

    You picked them? Strawberries. I haven’t seen a patch of green anything unless it fell out of my kid’s pants in which case I must clarify that he was stuffing green play doh in there because well “Because moommmmm”
    I use frozen ones in shakes nom!
    Oh lie like a corpse. Must keep that written in my parenting notebook, right next to “I have a cold. I did not smell his poopy diaper”

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