Some are silver and the other gold.

Some are silver and the other gold.

There aren’t many things in life that take over 20 years to develop.

Twenty-six years to be exact.

I had to recount (on my fingers) to make sure that number was right.

I went to Atlanta today for lunch with a friend.

A friend who makes me smile. One who made me smile 26 years ago when she asked if I wanted to share a room in her house in Decatur. First year law students, my intial roommate had transfered after the first set of finals. I was stuck in an apartment way off by my lonesome and not very happy.

So when Deborah approached me about moving in with her the next year I thought, she looks nice. And I’m tired of going back to the old stinky apartment by myself.

So she made me smile through the hell of law school.

I smiled at her wedding…and

I smiled a few years later when I held her baby girl.

Here’s another smile. Her baby grew up and is now a freshman at college in the same class and same school as my son.

Literally a floor and two rooms apart. (At least we mums hope so.)

How did that happen?

I needed a new outfit for a trip and most importantly after this month of seismic emotional change in my life, I needed a smile.

Well, I didn’t find a new outfit for me. Bought a few sassy Atlanta things for my daughter.

But I smiled a lot over lunch.

Sorry for the posed shot, but the waitress was making me tense because she seemed to be wanting us old broads to move along for the lunch crowd.

Notice who finished her salad first?

D-squared because her maiden name also ended with D.

We not only smiled. We laughed a lot.

Love makes you smile.

And love with lunch is a good thing. It can carry you through lots of down time — like meal preparation, homework and putting away clean laundry.

What made you smile today?

Surely there was something.

Linking up with MamaKat and prompt: 3.) Aside from your kids, pets, your husband, your coffee and your wine…what makes you smile?

Mama’s Losin’ It

6 responses to “Some are silver and the other gold.”

  1. Julie says:


  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Hugs back to you golden Jules. Thanks for the smile at Panda drop off. Which was rather long this morning.

  3. How great to have such a wonderful friend! And even more awesome your kids are at the same place.

  4. Casey says:

    This was a beautiful post and a great reminder of the things in life that really should make us smile. I have a friend who was brought into my life via the school supply aisle as my 6th grade year at a new school was about to begin. Five years ago, she was in my wedding and this past April I was in hers fifteen years after we met. Now being states apart (CA and TX) these moments together are treasured. I can only hope our kids get to be around each other like yours – what a treat! Thank you for sharing. ~ C

    Stopping in from Mama Kat’s
    Mama Kat Prompt –

  5. NatteringNic says:

    Gotta love friendships that make you pause and count how many years it has endured. A wonderful gift indeed. Now just make sure your kids keep the floor apart boundary…*grin *

  6. carol says:

    A friend for life is surely something special to smile about.

    Hands down…. family is what makes me smile the most!

    For my post, I steered away from people and thought of “things” that bring plenty of smiles, too.

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