She’s still preoccupied.

She’s still preoccupied.

With 19, 19 — 1985.

Am I still living in 1985?

Stasha and Monday’s Listicle is taking a cue from Anja @ Cocalores and begging the question:  10 Clues you are living in 2012.

If I can do this,  it will prove I am not stuck in 1985.


10.  Shhh. Don’t tell anyone, but I think —  I prefer e-readers over books with paper.

Who am I kidding? I LOVE the ability to read on my iPad and iPhone. Never thought I would say that but I do.



9.   I bought a pair of toed-shoes to run in.




Goofy I know. But my extra-tight glutes and hamstrings love them.



8.  My television gets one billion channels

But I still only watch about three of them.


7.   I start to hyperventilate when my laptop goes missing.


6.  The idea of hosting a dinner party with the requisite planning and cooking the meal terrifies me.


 5.  I’ve considered having botulism injected into my forehead.


4.  Weeks go by and I realize I haven’t checked the home phone.

“You have 275 messages.”


3. I know more of the lives of women living in Washington, New York City, Ohio, Chicago, California and a cattle ranch on the Oklahoma prairie than the family that lives directly behind us.


2.  I communicate with my other neighbors through their blogs and Twitter. Much more than seeing them face to face.

That thought saddens me — but other than the occasional wave in the car and taking out the recyclables. — it’s true.



1. And with a tween daughter in the car — the radio never gets a chance to rest on the 80s station.

I know that this week’s number one Top 40 song (according to Ryan Seacrest) is Lights. So there.


How do you know your living in 2012?

19 responses to “She’s still preoccupied.”

  1. Are those shoes really that great? Mostly I make fun of people with them and now I feel bad. I won’t make fun of you.

  2. Lisa C says:

    I can relate to #4, except that there’d only be ONE message. I really think we should ditch our land line, but some part of me thinks we need it, despite the fact that the bulk of our calls are from telemarketers or wrong numbers.

  3. Stasha says:

    You have a home phone???! That is so 1985.

  4. Bridget says:

    I love that song!

    Do those shoes really help with tight glutes & hamstrings? I’m using minimalist running shoes now – maybe I should try out the toe shoes?

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s funny Kim. After running 30 years striking heel first these shoes make you plant the ball of your foot first — or your foot flat. I lived with pain and tight hamstrings the past few years. That’s all but disappeared. I’ve had friends with knee problems say the same thing.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    We’d probably have only one message too Lisa — except for the school’s automated messenger. We can get three from that every afternoon.

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    One home phone, Stasha. I guess you can take the girl out of 1985 — but 1985 never really leaves the girl.

  8. Anja says:

    You have a home phone – and people actually have the phone number for it? 😉 So fun! I’m so with you on the millions of TV channels – I mean, seriously, who needs them?

  9. Jamie Miles says:

    Honesty Bridget, I had a hard time getting used to feeling the pavement and running flat-footed. But my — at times — debilitating tightness as all but disappeared. But I don’t do much long mileage any more. Six or seven miles max. It will be interesting when I do some longer runs this fall. My neighbor runs half marathons in them.

  10. Wayne says:

    It is amazing how we know about the lives of people across the country and I don’t know my neighbors. It is kind of scary if you really think of it.

  11. The first neighbor comment really strikes home! But being on line with neighbors doesn’t happen. They don’t blog or tweet or anything! I’m still stuck on real books.

  12. All so true, especially #3 – gah! Of course then I see the lady who lives behind us mowing her lawn in a bikini and a raincoat, and I remember why I try not to get too involved in her life. 😉

  13. Jill says:

    We get totally freaked out when the home phone rings! There are 28 flashing messages waiting for me. If they really knew me, they’d call my cell, right?

    And the toe shoes, why are these better than the regular. I need to get this mystery solved…

  14. Jamie Miles says:

    Honestly Jill, I cringe when the home phone rings. And I need to do a post on my experience running with toed-shoes. I’m sure they are not for everyone, but ever since I trained for and ran two marathons in successive years, I have had horrible problems with knots in my glute muscles and down my hamstrings that never go away. Any trip in a car more than 30 minutes is painful. But with no heel or cushion in these shoes the foot strikes naturally, not heel first. And I guess for me that has made all the difference. For now at least.

  15. christina says:

    #2 cracks me up. so much!! 🙂 those shoes are sooo crazy looking. 🙂 and so much a sign of the times. 🙂

  16. RoryBore says:

    I am so backwards…..I still talk to my neighbours over the fence.
    course, they rarely understand me because none of them have Facebook, Twitter or blogs. Imagine that I seem so, very very “au current” to them!

    I have an E Reader too…but I can’t help it, I love the feel of paper in my hands when I read. also, I tend to drop things a lot and I usually read in the tub. so, that works out pretty good actually.

  17. Audrey says:

    Its so true about knowing more about strangers in other states than you do your own neighbors! And I really do love my kindle, its so nice to not have to lug so many books around \

  18. Diane says:

    Nooooooo….not the toe-shoes! ;P

    We still have a land line too. Looks like there will be at least 3 of us (Rory, you and me) able to save the world by calling 911.

  19. Susi says:

    I love reading on my phone or tablet it makes it so easy and you don’t need a reading light at night. We happen to love 80″s music in our house so the kids like listening to it too.

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