Rocking at the high school.

Rocking at the high school.

My children are shifting like the white sand of the Gulf.

When they were little — the roles are set. I was the mom. They did what I told them.

Okay. There might be a tantrum or two but mum’s in charge.

Today, my oldest brought a girlfriend home from college and I just dropped my 12 year old off at school for an overnight.

Son’s new friend was very nice.

My daughter on the other hand.



Mom’s are helpful to carry chairs and stick around like a large bulky security blanket till she finds her friends.

Which took a while.


Lots of good moms volunteered to be there all night.



Other moms went home.

To keep an eye their son — the one with the girlfriend.

And leave the drama at the school for the night.


Well, till six a.m.

5 responses to “Rocking at the high school.”

  1. I dropped mine off and did not darken the door of the school. Hope he behaved. “the times they are a changin” for sure.

  2. tiffani goff says:

    I would sure appreciate those good Moms who volunteered to stay all night. I would never sign up for that job. Have a great weekend!
    xoxo tiffani

  3. Kathryn says:

    Thanks for putting my pic by the ‘good moms’ comment but I definitely did not stay all night. But there were plenty others and you had much more important things to monitor at home. 🙂

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Oh Kathryn. I know you were there “all night” in your heart.

  5. Jill says:

    this made me laugh and cry. HOW do you do that?? 🙂

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