Our House . . . Haunted?

Our House . . . Haunted?

“Our house is haunted!”

Sure, it is. And I need to start sleeping with a necklace of garlic cloves wrapped around my neck.

No matter how many times my children try to convince me that our house is haunted, I still don’t see any signs.

Sure every now and then the lights go on and off without explanation.



And chairs on the porch occasionally start rocking by themselves . . . but that’s the wind.


There will be a knock at the door and when I answer . . . no one is there.

For some unexplained reason, my aloe plant is always properly hydrated.

And my garden free from weeds. Well, almost.

Yes, to hear my children talk about all the ghost sitings, spirits should be lining the walls.

And napping under every tree in our yard.

No, I haven’t seen any evidence our house is haunted.

In fact the oddest occurrence around here lately is the dramatic increase in toilet paper usage.

What about you? Any spirits in your house? The non-liquid variety.

9 responses to “Our House . . . Haunted?”

  1. Gina says:

    Hee, hee! So cute. I wish I had weeding ghosts. The weather still looks really nice by you! Chilly here (and windy from the hurricane) in Chicago. Happy Halloween and thanks for the TP idea. Oh, we aren’t haunted either and thank goodness!

  2. Ginger says:

    Such a cute post! Yes..occasionally, we do. It’s occasional, so we always say its my FIL. I even have video of on incident on video. :p

  3. Just when the air conditioning comes on and off, it sounds like someone is walking through the hallway where the vent is. Freaks me out almost every time. 🙂

    I do enjoy hearing the owl in our back yard–now that can be scary.

    Happy Halloween!

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Daphne — too funny. When I hear a really loud bang in the hall — when the cats are all outside — that might be our ghost. BOO.

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Good grief Gina. I just saw footage of the waves of Lake Michigan crashing ashore. We have had wind and cooler weather here too. I think fall has finally grasped hold of summer.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Dearest Ginger — been worrying about your in CT. Guess you still have power. Maybe your FIL is watching over you all?

  7. ginger says:

    We always say that. lol. We are fine. Never lost power..but we are lucky.. a few miles south is really bad. Alot of places that were completely destroyed during Irene, and were just being rebuilt..restuarants just opened again, are now destroyed again. amazing.

  8. Jamie Miles says:

    Thank goodness you were okay Ginger. But it looks so horrible for so many. Growing up with the threat and destruction of hurricanes, it is amazing the destructive power of water and wind. Makes me feel very teensy, tiny.

  9. Oh, and I forgot about our cat. She runs on the roof, and it sounds like there’s a herd of cattle above us–or maybe just the tomcat. 😉

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