Need to get swimming, cycling and running.

Need to get swimming, cycling and running.

I did it.

I signed up for a triathlon.


It’s only a sprint. But it will be my first one in four maybe five years.

So what did I do early this morning?

I found my bike seat.



It was the first time I had been on my bike since it spent a week in the shop repairing damage from a wee collision I had with the street adjacent to our drive.

I tried to clip in and ride.

And twice the chain fell off.


But I finally got the chain settled and got out on the road.

And I remembered how wonderful it was to ride early in the morning.


Signing up for this race was a good thing.

Do you need a goal to get your seat on the bike?

8 responses to “Need to get swimming, cycling and running.”

  1. Rorybore says:

    I just got a bike this year for my birthday!! everyone else in the family had a bike, but me. well actually, I technically did have one: but it had been hanging in the garage rafters for years — waiting for the “later” when hubby would repair it. A brand new hardly used 2nd bike was cheaper than the necessary repairs.
    Still, I am looking forward to some family bikes rides this summer.
    And I do enjoy swimming…but not much of a runner. unless something big and scary is chasing me; than I am quick like lightning. So, I don’t foresee a tri in my future. Just some leisurely rides.

  2. Ilene says:

    This makes me want to do a tri so badly! Like real bad. My goal when I move to the beach is to become an “ocean swimmer.” Hopefully I will get some cycling in there too. I can’t wait to hear about your training and the event itself!

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    Rory- I got my husband a beach cruiser for Father’s Day and I’ve enjoyed riding in the evenings with our 9 year old. It is such a great activity. Especially this time of year.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Ilene, this is a lake swim but I’ve done a few with ocean swims. When the sea is calm there is nothing like it. When it’s rough – there’s noting like it either. Character building. 🙂

  5. Yes, I totally need a goal to get myself going. I tend to slack when I don’t have a race coming up. Congrats on signing up! Can’t wait to hear how it goes.

  6. john miles says:

    I going to take my beautiful wife, children and beach cruiser to the beach.

  7. […] I mentioned that I signed up for a triathlon. […]

  8. […] Sunday is the triathlon. Now it’s just a sprint but for a busy gal like me  — it’s been hard to put in the miles for proper training for my 50-year-old self. […]

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