My Blog Writing Process. Anyone? Anyone?

My Blog Writing Process. Anyone? Anyone?

My Writing Process.

My Blog Writing Process.

Oh pooh.

First off, Happy Memorial Day. My start of summer comes after the hundreds of motorcycles ride past our house on the way to the town square.



A week or so ago, I was asked by the smart, funny, passionate about what-we-are-doing-to-ourselves-and-the-environment blogger Anne Brock to join a blog tour on revealing our writing process as bloggers.

I met Anne, a darling, blonde powerhouse, this fall at Type-A Parent Blogging Conference. We ran together, ate together, learned together and laughed together.

With her impressive broadcast journalism and production pedigree, Anne blogs at FlourSackMama (and also tweets @floursackmama). Though FlowerSackMama fits the “green” blog category, the blog’s name and genesis is a tribute to her grandmother and the simple, beautiful existence that was life in the Ozarks in the 30s.

Webinars, great writing, trips to march on Washington with the Safer Chemicals Stroller Brigade — what can’t she do?

Then there is me.

1) What are you working on?

I write a lot for local magazines and I just finished up something for local paper. I want to write for larger pubs — like those in the big ATL.  I made a great contact recently at an industry lunch with an Atlanta magazine.  Have I followed up?

Heck no. In fact, I forgot about it till just now. Pooh bear.

I’ve also started writing blog posts — like mini features — for clients. I’m having a ball doing that. It takes what I’ve learned with magazine work and lets me add a big dose of my personality.


 2) How does your work differ from others’ work in the same genre?

Though I do write about my children (like a Mommy blogger) every now-and-then, I find myself writing more and more about issues at midlife. There are some great midlife bloggers out there. Like Anne and Sharon and the whole crew at Midlife Boulevard.

There’s Judy at A Boomers Life After 50. Sadly, Judy was widowed before age 50. I loved meeting her at Type-A as well. She’s sharp, adorable and energetic. Her blog is full of great practical tips for aging gracefully and well as fun posts about such things as her recent first spin class.

Then there’s Shannon Colleary, who writes at the hysterical The Woman Formerly Known As Beautiful. She writes about midlife sex, body image and midlife body image (while naked) and how it affects sex. Among other midlife trials.

I also adore Leisa Hammett, whose blog showcases her immense writing talent. Much of her world looks at the spiritual side of midlife. Why are we here? What does it feel like at midlife — or why do we feel as we do? She is also passionate about her daughter Grace and her amazing art. “The Journey with Grace: Art, Autism and All the Rest of Life.” Check her out.

So many I could name.

What makes me different?

I’m basically a goof-ball writing about life after turning 50 — from the perspective of a porch on South Main Street. Which is actually where I am writing this now . . .



Photo on 5-25-14 at 8.08 PM

It looks like we just had a nuclear explosion behind me. I assure you we didn’t. I think.



I write about my midlife crisis’s and triumphs with hair color, athletic pursuits — road races, triathlons, cycling, swimming and the like —  gardening, sex and so on. No, I don’t really write about sex all that much. (It was be so depressing if I started writing about my sex life and my Google Analytics nosedived.)


3) Why do you write what you do?

I could say that it is cheaper than therapy but that would imply that I don’t need therapy.

Honestly, my blog is where I take my creativity out to unabashedly romp and play in the mud.

I love the quote by Sol Stein.  I’m paraphrasing but it’s close to this . . .

“If there is boredom in the writer, there will be boredom in the reader.”

Writing for me, especially on my blog, is theater. The telling of the boring trip to the grocery that everyone takes but making it a fun frolic with a heaping dose of self-deprecating humor.

For the most part things on my blog are true — but it’s entertainment. That’s what makes it fun for me and hopefully anyone who cares to read.


4) How does your writing process work?

When I have a paying story or post to write that takes priority. So if I go a week without posting, it’s because life and work have me pulled away from my bloggy playpen. 🙁

Successful bloggers focused on a genre. They post many times a week, if not daily. (Daily posting is always my goal.) They also are great marketers and social media savvy.

I need to be more structured with my writing time. My best time is definitely in the morning.

But then something will happen and I have to sit down immediately and write it out. Like a possessed thing — no laundry, straightening the house – even exercising be damned.

When I’m writing a paid feature or blog post that requires interviews, I’m very old school. I tape the interview and transcribe it. Then I work from that as I write.

And like most writer’s, getting my rear in the chair and pecking out the first draft is ALWAYS the hardest.

But once that is done, I like a few days to come back and embellish it. Edit. I LOVE that part.

To revise and revise.



Two awesome midlife writers have agreed to this task next week.

First, there is Julia Munroe Martin from the great state of Maine. Talk about an interesting woman. She grew up all over the world and now she is about to finish her third novel. Her third novel, people. I can’t even get 2,500 words strung together for a short story. She’s bi-monthly contributor to another great, great site Writer Unboxed.

Not only is she a talented writer, she’s just a fabulous person. She tweets @wordxo.

And one day I will knock on her door and have coffee with her at her local coffee house/writing den.


Also, there is May at Achieving Clarity. I love reading her thoughts on life as it happens to her and her amazing photography. Her first post was in 2011 — the year she turned 50.  I don’t think she has any idea what a talented writer she is — or maybe she does? I hope so.

Also think she has the cutest Twitter profile pic ever @MayAchieve.


There you have it. My Writing Process post.  #SoThere.

Thoughts. Anyone? Anyone?

















5 responses to “My Blog Writing Process. Anyone? Anyone?”

  1. We will have that coffee someday, Jamie! I can’t wait. Thank you for tagging me… I’ve already written my post… strike that. Who am I kidding? I haven’t even started thinking about it! I love this that you wrote: “But then something will happen and I have to sit down immediately and write it out. Like a possessed thing — no laundry, straightening the house – even exercising be damned.” EXACTLY. That’s what I love about blogging and instagramming (my new obsession btw) and tweeting. It’s the immediacy. I loved learning more about you. And seriously can’t wait for that coffee! Let’s meet halfway. (p.s. thanks for the vote of confidence about the novels… now to get published!)

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I am going to get to Maine one of these days — preferably in the summer. 🙂 And you will be published . . . Can’t wait to say, I knew you when.

  3. May says:

    I love that you write so often on the front porch being a front porch kind of girl myself. That sensibility and informality creeps into your writing which is one thing I love about it.

    This tour is such a great idea. Flour Sack Mama speaks to my heart and I would never have known her without your invitation. I have confirmation from one of my bloggy friends to follow-up my post and hope the other will be on board soon.

    Thanks for the kind words btw. You made my day!

  4. Adrienne says:

    Nice to meet you (through May!) – I’m a New Englander in a NW suburb of Boston. Love your energy, your sense of humor and your passion for what you do! Like May I started blogging as I was turning 50, and have found great joy and connection through the process! Will hop on board and follow!

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks for stopping by Adrienne. Look forward to exploring your blog.

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