
Musing on the scenario for prayer ~ Day 11.

Sally knew if she prayed long and hard enough, a cute dermatologist would eventually move to Bay City. And she could finally rid herself of this dreadful skin condition.


Mathison, “If we’re willing to pray and trust God, he will provide.”

The chapter points out lots of areas, believers of all levels of maturity struggle in prayer.

He gives a illustration using the fingers on a hand of how to pray petition prayers for others. (You got to get the book and read — remember,this is not Clip Notes.)

Other things he addresses:

“No matter who we pray for — whether it’s ourselves of someone else — it’s important to do it with the right motives.  Does what we’re praying for line up with God’s will?

This is an issue that we have discussed lots in our Women of Faith class. Why pray?

Isn’t God always going to do his will, regardless of what we say?

He covers praying with the right attitudethanksgiving.

And that we should be persistent in our prayers. Matt. 7:7. Every now and then Jesus says something that’s puzzling. Now what’s hard to understand for me might be clear as my windshield the day I drove off the car lot seven years ago for someone else. I’ve never gotten this. The story about the woman who keeps asking the judge (who is referred to as evil) and finally because of her persistence, her petition is granted.

Makes no sense to me. As a parent, don’t you withhold things from your child if they keep asking — and if you cave — isn’t that the wrong thing?

Maybe this guy would know the answer?


No silly, this guy.



Best to end with how Mathison ends chapter, “Here’s where the element of trust comes into play. If we’re asking with the right motives, a thankful heart, and persistence, God will take care of the rest.

Amen. (That was me.)



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