Musing on the Key to 23 years of Wedded Bliss: Let’s Get Physical.

Musing on the Key to 23 years of Wedded Bliss: Let’s Get Physical.

Let’s Get Physical.

If reading those three words conjures up images of Olivia Newton John wearing a headband talking to a dolphin (did she talk to a dolphin in that video?) then you are obviously old enough to have a 20 plus year anniversary.

Not that I am.


Yesterday, I just did.

And what was my perfect gift to my husband? A couples workout. (Not exact what you might be thinking right now.) At 2 p.m., we headed up to Madison Fitness.

See. Hubby is walking into the gym on his own volition.

There she is…..

Beverly Morris. (I love this woman.)

Yes, Beverly part therapist, part Sargent Hulka — all wrapped up in perfect, muscled bod.

She makes me think bad things. Like why am I am paying some one to make me do this a 6 a.m. in the morning?

But she makes it fun….(I think this afterwards riding home in the car.)


This made me smile.

As did this.


Nothing like a small town....Aren't you jealous?


Then we started on the workout.

And dear Johnny did everything she said…




And this.



And this. Let the record reflect I hate pull-ups.


But the worst part for him was the stretching at the end.

I think she put his body in positions it probably hasn’t been in since in utero.

We got home and he got on the couch. I opened his mouth and poured in some Motrin and made him swallow.

What had a done?

We had places we needed to be that night. Getting married a week before Christmas our anniversary always involves going to a party or two.

He revived, the awesome tough guy that I married 23 years ago.

He was sore today and everyone at church felt incredibly sorry for him that his wife would have thought of such a thing. (These people obviously don’t know the real me.)

What do you do on your anniversary?

Well, besides the obvious.


8 responses to “Musing on the Key to 23 years of Wedded Bliss: Let’s Get Physical.”

  1. Ginger says:

    What obvious?? THAT? Pfft… We didnt even do THAT on pur wedding night. Fran and I hit 15 years in May (together 19). We renewed our vows. Oh wait..that was supposed to be a secret……

    Happy anniversary!! I admire you, both for yor enduring happy marriage, but for your commitment to working out.

    As I stuff another oreo in my mouth….


  2. Sissy says:

    We share the same anniversary, though I’ve only been married for 6 years. And we go to the same restaurant in Atlanta every year for our anniversary. We ate at this restaurant on our honeymoon in Washington, D.C. and loved it so much we go back to the one in Atlanta to celebrate. Oh, and we do the obvious at some point in the day!

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    I forgot Sissy! We should have talked about this today in class. That must be why you had that glow in church. Congrats to you and Con.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Ok Ginger as I stuff another pecan bite thing in my mouth….renew your wedding vows? How romantic. We are always at some Christmas party – having fun, but not particularly meaningful. The workout thing was great. I’d do that every week if he would — xo

  5. Ginger says:

    It was a special night. I cried. I cry really easily. It had to be secret because Frans sister was getting married three days later. You are the only one who dont tell anyone!!!!!!

  6. Ginger says:

    It was a special night. I cried. I cry really easily. It had to be secret because Frans sister was getting married three days later. You are the only one who dont tell anyone!!!!!!

  7. Rebecca Wood says:

    Jamie: Thanks for your great comments on my blog about advent. Happy Anniversary!

  8. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks Rebecca. I enjoyed your observations about advent with children.

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