
Musing on the Goodwill Bday Games. Watch if you dare.

A very good friend had a birthday recently. I was to take her out today.

When we got in the car I learned about the Hunger Games she wanted to play.

Oops. Not the Hunger Games…these were the Goodwill Bday Games.

Diana explains what the Goodwill Bday Games are all about.

Watch if you dare.


Yes, we got to the Covington Goodwill and searched high and low. And like in the book the Hunger Games which our event so closely paralleled, we changed the rules.

We had five minutes to choose a shirt. I knew two was impossible.

Diana with one of my choices for her.



This nice gentleman was rather taken with the birthday girl.

He said her smile was her best accessory.

I agreed. Then took his picture.

I looked around and found a few more excellent purchases.

After the Goodwill Bday Games was called a raging success — we headed out for the Closing Ceremonies.

After somebody made a wrong turn on I-20 and headed us toward Atlanta, we set our sites on Chili’s for a recap of all the Goodwill action.

After a great Bday lunch of soup, salad and adult beverages in appropriate moderation, we snapped this photo.

Another bday in the books and a good time was had by all.

Have you ever played games? Goodwill, Hunger or otherwise?



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