Musing on sore glutes.

Musing on sore glutes.


I’ve gone gluten-free.

Ridding my diet of wheat, barley, rye…Oats. (Terrible pity with that one.)

I had lunch with dear friend today and I shared my newest “thing” with her.

“That’s so hard Jamie.”

Yes, but that’s what we do searching for answers when what we love gets jerked out from under us…or our knee explodes. We try new things.

And as we left the restaurant, I limped down the hill to my car. Why?

My hamstrings and glutes screamed!

I’ve worked with a trainer for about four weeks now.  I don’t know what we did this week…but my rear is KILLING me.

So between my rear, my toe and my knee – I feel about 110 years young. Nothing sexier than a limping, wincing, perimenopausal  woman.

Why do my glutes hurt and why am I worrying about unlocking the key to my diet — ridding my self of wheat and sniffing for toxins and hormones in labels like a mouse who stumbled a block of Parmesan? (My new crave.)

Why do any of us work out?

To be more attractive than we would be if we just sat on the couch or behind the computer screen.

Now the diet changes have made me feel better — but I am sorry, even when we lose weight for health — 99.9999 percent of us are thrilled to look better.  We exercise for Beauty. Or at least not saggy flab.

Or to have a rear that doesn’t start at our waist and drop to the back of our knee.

If anyone doesn’t agree –

I don’t believe you.

If we could only see ourselves on the inside. Before we were rejected by the girl for the Prom or the boy for Sadie Hawkins. Before we had children and gained weight. Before health issues arose that made it impossible to workout (I’m talking serious health issues.) Before we became addicted to things that make us feel like our insides look like a pig’s pen on a bad day.

This song might be my favorite song right now. It perfectly expresses in words and music — what I know to be the truth for each of us.

It’s been out a while, but if you haven’t heard it just listen…

Take a couple of minutes and open your ears,

Open your mind, and

Open your heart.

MercyMe – Beautiful (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: MercyMe

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