Musing on Peace.

Musing on Peace.

“Mom…Come on.”

Eyelids closed at just the perfect I-can’t-believe-you’re-so-uncooperative-here angle.

It’s a little after eight in the morning and my son just came home from an overnight airsoft camp-out in woods.

“Did you and Dad try to call?”


“I lost my phone in the woods. You’ve got to get me a phone for Christmas.”

I’m done shopping this year. Spending money stressed me out big time. We had a budget for the children. Our eldest (the phone loser) said he just wanted cash.

Now he wants a phone. 

There is never any peace.

Katie Anderson led the Woman of Faith study on Peace this Sunday.

Was wondering…

Is it possible to have peace with a unmade house?

Is peace possible when you never seem to accomplish enough on the to do list? Or the things you accomplish aren’t the ones you really should have?

Is it possible to have peace and drink three pots of coffee throughout the day?

Is is possible to have peace and check your bank balance hourly?

Is peace possible with three children, two cats and one strong-as-a-bull dog in a pear tree? I wish there was a pear tree out there to stick them.

Some scriptures Katie offered.

Peace described. Psalm 29:11

What is Peace. Gal 5:22

Three things to do to pursue Peace. Psalm 34:14

What do we need to do to have Peace. Phil 4:6

So another day closer to celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace.

How are you doing?

And even though Jake lost his phone ~ he had a front row seat for the lunar eclipse. I was comatose.


2 responses to “Musing on Peace.”

  1. Angela Hall Weight says:

    I love this post…and can so relate to the bank balance checking, pots of coffee and getting things accomplished that aren’t the right things to check off. I am, however, getting out my Bible to find some peace in the verses you listed.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I know. Peace is a sign of the Holy Spirit says she who just set her coffee pot to go off at 4:15 a.m. It’s so easy when I am alone. (that’s the 4:15 am part). Its when the rest of the world’s awake…that’s the problem.

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