Musing on dog poop — again.

Musing on dog poop — again.

Last morning before the school year starts. I didn’t set alarm.

Woke to my husband hovering over me like a child that can’t stand it when mommy is having fun and they’re not.

“Remember to pick up the dry cleaning.”

“Do you want some coffee?” Lame attempt to seem nice.

“Oh. And there’s a huge dog poop in Joe’s room. It’s trailing everywhere.”

I mumble something about I can’t believe you won’t let me sleep one day when all but five mornings of our married life I’ve been up three hours before him.

Dog poop. Like I’m going to believe that.

He leaves. I get up.

I walk to kitchen, pour myself coffee, leash up Tebow and take him for a nice walk.

Get home look in on my son’s room. A sleeping angel and huge mounds of dog waste cover every square inch of the hardwoods.

I’ve already posted on the joys of cleaning up dog poop on wood floors, how it fills in every crevice like frosting on a layer cake.

I cleaned up dog poop.

I was going to post on how yesterday we made a birthday cake for a cat “Oreo” and fish “Sucky.”


As you can tell, there was a 4th July cake we had planned to make. Came in handy yesterday.



How good moms do that sort of thing.

They remember what it was like to care so for a pet fish that you wanted to make a birthday cake for him. I stopped short of letting them bring Sucky into the dining room in a cup to blow out the candles.

How good moms take their kids school shopping and try to act excited when all they see are those Kindermats and think  how great to be forced to lie down every day for 20 minutes.

Those kids are all smiling because they just woke up from a nap.


Good moms try to separate the — work commitments, bills, the stockmarket tanking (I actually clicked on my stock market app for the first time yesterday — Lord knows why?) — and not get frustrated (read between the lines on the word frustrated) with them.

Enjoy the last day before school starts.

I’ve just cleaned up a mounds of COLD, wet dog waste. Day’s got to skyrocket from here.

What are your plans for the day other than taking the dog for a long walk?






6 responses to “Musing on dog poop — again.”

  1. angelina says:

    love this, jamie! i am cleaning up goat poop. on hardwood floors. i miss your writing in the newspaper so much. thank you for continuing to share your gifts.

  2. Jamie says:

    Oh Angelina — I miss you all too. I promise to bring some tomatoes by the paper. And email about Jake’s pic. But you promise not to breathe a word to HK about the goat. That’s all I need. A baby goat around here.

  3. Emily says:

    What a bad way to start your day! Glad the cake was a success though!

  4. Jamie says:

    Emily — I couldn’t believe there was really poop all over the floor. Jake and John both had to have seen it (or smelled it) and walked out the door with it just sitting there.

  5. john miles says:

    To the editor:

    I want to correct a mistake in your blog. I first offered you coffee then told you about dog poop.

    John Miles

  6. Jamie says:

    That’s how I wrote it. And admit it. The coffee was just a ruse to get me out of bed.

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