Musing on abundance.

Musing on abundance.

“Runner down.”

While trying to hop on the sidewalk to get around someone, my foot didn’t quite clear the curb.

The next second I hit the pavement and heard the above shout.

Cr*p. He’s yelling about me.

Then I looked into the eyes of a very kind man asking if I was okay.

For pity’s sake, I’m alright. Could this get more embarrassing?

But I thanked him for taking the time to stop and ask.  I felt incredibly nauseated and for a moment (a very split second) thought about heading toward MARTA and transportation to my car.

I shortly came to my senses, sore elbow and all,  and finished the race.


*    *    *


The weather was perfect and driving home, I didn’t play any music.

Maybe it was my throbbing elbow; maybe I just wanted to think?

I get into trouble when I think.

Ten miles from home, I got off interstate and traveled the two-lane blacktop back to Madison. I never do that, but today I did.

I wanted open spaces.

My heart was so full; it needed fields and farms and manure.

Maybe it was my hard thump on the ground? Maybe it was having a senior in high school? Maybe it was thinking — how can it be Thanksgiving? Just last week, it was July and we were at the beach.

The fullness of life hit me. Along with its speed.

There is so much that’s wonderful.

We have our health.

Falling goon that I am — even at my advanced age can go out and have a great time running 13.1 miles.

I have children, young and older, who love me and care if I fall. (Though honestly, seemed  like our Tebow was most concerned about me. Though it might be that I was a rather large salt-lick.)

We have heat and food and employment.

I have a working mind and emotions that still hold sway over my mind. (As evidenced by this post.)

Some people say God doesn’t exist.

If so, why do humans feel the emotion of gratitude? A turn from self to selfless when counting blessings.

Gratitude implies a giver.

Someone or thing responsible for bringing about what we hold dear.

Maybe not…but why would we feel more peace thinking about good health rather than a great deal on a television?

Probably just me. I did take a rather hard bump on the elbow today.




9 responses to “Musing on abundance.”

  1. Kathi (@maconamess) says:

    It has always struck me as strange that it is those “bumps” in life that make us appreciate and be truly thankful for what we have. There have been quite a few of those bumps for me this year, but the blessings as a result of them have been bountiful. Your words gave me pause to remember that. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. kim jackson says:

    Oh Dear Jamie,

    put ice on that elbow and take some aleve.

    xoxoxo kj

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s funny Kathi. I’ve gone over my handlebars twice coming into transition and it always struck me — once I got over the shock — my senses seem heightened during the run. The those bumps in life do wake us up. Happy Thanksgiving break to you.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s much better today. Thanks Kim. No excuse not to get house together. Advil does help.

  5. katie says:

    ‘give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’ first thessalonians 5:18—one of my favorites! it’s important to notice the falls and not just the sunlight that we experience every day. give thanks to God for all things—not just some things. i love your post. i have learned that God has many reasons as to why we may go through things like these. we should always look for His purpose in everything. this helps bring our will into submission with His will.—your different route drive is exactly what i would have done. & then realized the sweetness through it all.
    hope you are feeling better! let me know if you need anything!

  6. Tracy Farr says:

    Great story! And I totally agree that when your heart is full, it needs a whopping dose of fields, farms and manure — lots of manure!

    Stay well!

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    Hey Tracy — how are you doing on those after Thanksgiving apples.

  8. Tracy Farr says:

    I only ate one, then just took the rest of the day off from stuffing myself. Today I cooked a big breakfast, made some cookies, and am right now working on some beans and cornbread. Funny how gluttony comes in swings.

  9. Jamie Miles says:

    I had to bake some cornbread today to have with some of the left over collards. I think I’ve been more gluttonous with the leftovers than with the actual meal.

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