Mom is still not a raging embarrassment.

Mom is still not a raging embarrassment.

Last week, I wrote about a field trip I went on with my second grader.

Second grade and your child begs you to ride the bus with him.

Doesn’t give it a second thought that you will be seen by his friends.

Then they hit middle school.

They don’t want you anywhere near them.

Well, where their friends are involved. (And they don’t need you for money.)

So that’s why I try to go with him when I can.

My last field trip child.




What about you? Do you still have a field trip child?

10 responses to “Mom is still not a raging embarrassment.”

  1. Kristen says:

    My oldest heads to middle school next year and then I will be down to one field trip child. As for this year, they still want me there and just like you, I take every chance I can get. 🙂

  2. Alison says:

    He. Is. Adorable.
    So glad he still wants Mom 🙂

  3. Mama Pants says:

    Aww I was just talking to the husband about this. That one day they really just won’t want us anywhere near them and that for now we should enjoy them being so glued. lol

    Your boy is just precious in this pic. Just precious.

  4. Marta says:

    I love that my five year old (my oldest) wants to hang out with my publicly. I’ve volunteered in his kindergarten class before he’s so happy I’m there, not remotely embarrassed. I know that a time will come when he won’t want to hold my hand in front of his classmates, so I’m definitely relishing it now!

  5. I really really miss field trips. They are the best, aren’t they? Now I settle for the road trips back and forth to college — hearing about the mountain goats 🙂 You are so lucky to have that field trip child! Enjoy one of those bus trips for me, okay?

  6. I do still have a field trip child. I am enjoying it so much. And I have one that’s not in school yet, so I am looking forward to a few more years of non-embarrassing-ness. 🙂

  7. Oh yes I do still have a field trip kid. In fact two of them. I recently froze my ass off with several other moms hiking somewhere I can’t remember in the freezing hills with an octogenarian docent who spoke … verrry … sloooooowly. I am earning cool mom points to fling in my kids’ faces when they ask me to come to therapy with them as adults. DON’T FORGET THOSE F-ING FIELD TRIPS YOU GUYS!

  8. Such a sweet picture. I’m lucky that I stil have two field trip boys. My oldest is in kindergarten and he LOVES when we help out in the classroom or go on a field trip. He’s so proud of having us there with him. I will definitely savor these days because I know that they won’t last for much longer!

  9. Runnermomjen says:

    You are so right. I try and go on as many of the field trips as I can with them while they’re young enough to still want me to go.
    P.S. I LOVE your son’s hair 🙂

  10. My kids still get excited to see me at school. Thank goodness, as the oldest is in first grade. Your little man sure is a cutie!

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