Low-grade January Mojo.

Low-grade January Mojo.

Mid-January never has found me at my best — either attitude, appearance or aptitude. I swear my brain neurons are like molasses in January. They ssssllllooowwww way down.

Frankly I’m tiring of being a pokey puppy with a low-grade mojo.

Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop prompts this week:

1.) Explore. (inspired by Farewell Stranger)
2.) Release. (inspired by Courtney Kirkland)
3.) Trust. (inspired by Queen of Chaos)
4.) Acceptance. (inspired by Headstrong Damsel)
5.) Creativity. (inspired by Crossroads of the Heart)


Pick one. Hell, looking them over, I need all five.


Explore.  This is the one I’d most like to experience right now but the only expedition I feel like setting out is to . . . okay. Nowhere.

I’m still sitting in a damp, cold sweat shirt from walking the dog an hour earlier.

Granted I had to proof and send in a story. Got involved in a few online conversations but I need to get myself up and change my hoodie. For the love of Mike, I hate damp clothes.

Creativity.  HA.

Trust.  This is usually easy for me but rainy, damp January days sap the trust out of me. My pets are even attacking me. (Well, a certain bad mood cat. My dog still loves me.) So there. I still trust my dog. I can hang on to that.

Acceptance. Lack of exercise mojo has also hit. I am fighting through this. After accepting my winter body composition and pallor, I have pulled on a swimsuit a few days in a row. I might make it to the pool today.

Release. As to vent. After this little exercise, I think this may be what I needed. Releasing myself from expectations that I will have my usual excitement for life in mid-January.

Or the usual skin tone or muscle tone for that matter.

I need to regroup and start on another writing project for which I am thankful.


Okay more like <$.

And I’m releasing myself from this  flippin’ sweatshirt  right now.

What about you?

What have you released yourself from lately?







13 responses to “Low-grade January Mojo.”

  1. Madeleine says:

    Winter mojo? What’s that? Because whatever it is, I have zero at the moment. I hear ya.

    As for something I’ve released from myself lately, I’m trying to be less critical of myself. Key word here is ‘trying’!

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I concur Madeleine on the trying to be less critical. My way to doing that is releasing those expectations. High expectations are good in that they help us meet deadlines, etc. but it’s okay to cut ourselves some slack every now and then — and not be so critical.

  3. Katina says:

    I feel the same whay with this cold damp weather we are having… So ready for spring. Glad you got into warm clothes. Sometimes just doing a little of something is better than a lot of nothing. Perhaps we have had it wrong all this time. Maybe January is really for HIBERNATION not a fury of activity to jump start the year?

  4. Gina says:

    I loved this and I use the word “mojo” or lack there of often and it’s exactly how I’m feeling right now. Talk about pallor. This Chi-town girl is white as a sheet and in desperate need of warmth as I sit here typing in a hoodie left at home by my college boy. You’re not alone. I think there are many of us out there feeling precisely like this. A writing project for dough. Get after it girlfriend. Let’s shake these winter blues away together!

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Gina — changing the subject to warm weather dreaming. Let’s find a triathlon to do together. I think that maybe be one to-do in this year I turn 50.

  6. I love that you picked all five, too! I can relate to your list – especially acceptance as I choke down my salad and wonder if I can fit in a work out tonight. Great job on the prompt!

  7. NatteringNic says:

    Winter is. the. worst. Yep.
    No disagreement here.

  8. Oh so that’s what I have! I’ve been snacking too much and exercising less (b/c of my dogs hurt foot I’ve skipped my 3 mile hikes for almost two weeks! I don’t like how dark it is either. At least January is more than half over.

  9. Yeah, sometimes I don’t feel like going anywhere either. 🙂 But the beauty of the word “explore” is that it doesn’t have to be a literal exploration of a place. It can be exploring a concept or a relationship with a new friend or a new author you like. The world is your oyster, as they say, and sometimes the oyster is inside!

  10. Fenny says:

    I like the word mojo instead of the winter blues. I get it especially as the days get darker and as February keeps me waiting for Spring. I so get how you feel! But this too will pass – and you’ll have a spring back in your step. Just wait and see!
    Never thought of combining all the prompts, nice idea!

  11. May says:

    Sweet release. Wish it were as easy as pulling off a damp hoodie!

  12. I’ve been in the biggest funk this January. I was so excited to start the new year and was all gung-ho…for about 3 days. I wrote about release too this week and about releasing myself from expectations. January is hard because it comes FULL of expectations – of things to come, things we resolve to change. But that’s just a lot, you know?

  13. tiffani goff says:

    Just finally went out and walked again yesterday after no exercise for 2 weeks and I woke up happy for once. I know I need my exercise but I am always surprised how much I need it. It is just so hard to get out there in the freezing cold, especially when you are grieving….
    xoxo tiffani

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