Let it Be…the way it wasn’t.

Let it Be…the way it wasn’t.


That is the subject of this week’s List with Stasha.

Cassie @our foto friendly family picked the topic.

Music. Easy peasey.

Not so easy it seems. I can think of so many ways to go with this….but can I come up with 10?  Let’s give it a shot with:

Songs I Learned to Appreciate with Age.  My age. Not the song. Though guess the songs are getting older too.

10.  Santana.

Really anything by the man. Incredible talent but used push another radio button when he came on.


 9.   Dream On.


Every time when I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn

Incredible lyrics. Not many of them but what there is — is spot on.  Just didn’t get it when I was 10.


8.  Brenda Lee.

Up until a year ago, if someone had asked me who Brenda Lee was — I’d of said a petite redhead country music singer.  Then I had the privilege of interviewing her for an article and learned she was there with the Greats at the birth of rock-n-roll.

She danced with Elvis backstage at the Grand Ole Opry and played two weeks in Hamburg. Her opening act was a little known group called the Beatles. The only woman in the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame and the Country Music Hall of Fame.

I listened to so much of her music — she was so talented. Her biggest hit was Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. But I loved Sweet Nothings. So did Elvis. She said that was his favorite of her songs.

What a killer voice.


7.  Queen.
Never appreciated the genius of Freddy Mercury.  Then again, I was just in elementary school.  Why hasn’t anyone made a movie about his life?




6.  Mark Knopler. 


Sure I loved Dire Straits. Just never appreciated his talent with the guitar.  Heck put Emmylou Harris in at 5. She’s awesome too.


4.  Johnny Cash.

Another one I never could appreciate his talent and charisma till I got older. There is so much emotion in his songs. Not the kind of stuff a 10 year old notices.


Oops looking over this I’m not really focusing on songs. Hmm.


How about:

3. Disco Duck.



2.  Gladys Knight and Midnight Train to Georgia.

One of the greatest songs of all time. Her voice, the Pips — the lyrics. Just perfect. I need some Pips behind me.




1.  Let it Be.

Once again. I was terribly young. I wanted bounce and bubble gum. I couldn’t understand why the most popular music group in the world would release this mopey ballad.

I think a little differently now.

What about you? Any songs you have gained a deeper appreciation of as your taste in music changed?


22 responses to “Let it Be…the way it wasn’t.”

  1. Anja says:

    Fun spin on the topic! I loved the Beatles when I was in high school – must have been because our music teacher at school. Weirdly enough, I was a big Queen fan when I was in 7th grade. Must have been a big wave of retro 😉

    BTW I couldn’t find your e-mail address on the blog, and you were a no reply blogger too, so I just wanted to let you know that if you click on the titles of my list, you’ll get a youtube link (you wrote you might have to google them, that’s why I leave this info).

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks Anja. I definitely will click on the links to your blog. I’d love to hear some of that music.

  3. Sperk* says:

    Absolutely love your list. Currently revisiting Santana after recently hearing Black Magic Woman on the radio. I desperately want to learn the bass part to that one, but it requires me learning how to play the bass. Have always loved Cash, but I agree, my appreciation for the man and his music has increased exponentially with age. The rest on your list, perfect. (have I said, I love your list?)

  4. Love your take on this! There are many songs I feel this way about too. Some that I listened to for years before finally really hearing and understanding the lyrics. One such song for me is Landslide by Stevie Nicks…

    But time makes you bolder
    Children get older
    I’m getting older too
    I’m getting older too

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    I didn’t even think about Fleetwood Mac. That would be another one. I loved their music when I was young — but like you said, age brings new perspective to the lyrics.

  6. RoryBore says:

    I’m wowed. lovin it….in fact, I may bookmark this page for future musical reference. You really had me first with Santana, then Mark Knopfler, then the Man in Black…….but then you really knocked it out the park with Midnight Train to Georgia….and the ball went ever on with one of the greatest of all time: Let it Be.
    I’m happy.
    It’s a very good day 🙂

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    wow. Thanks Rory..that’s high praise coming from a lover of music as yourself. 🙂

  8. Kate says:

    OMG. Disco Duck! Awesome! I loved that song.

  9. Ducky says:

    Midnight Train to Georgia….mmmm….its so amazing how music changes with us even though nothing about it changes. If that makes any sense.

    I love how music can speak to ever single facet of life…at least thats my experience and move me to tears when I get lost in the lyrical journey…as it did today while driving to Irishman’s house. Music is powerful!

  10. I love this list! And love love love Santana! I’m from the Bay Area so it’s practically a requirement 😉

  11. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s funny Kate. Don’t know why came to mind. It’s like the antithesis of my list…but it was big in the day. I remember seeing Rick Dees woo.

  12. Jamie Miles says:

    I love Santana’s later music as well, Stacie. There is no doubt the magnitude of his talent.

  13. OH my gosh! Disco Duck? I had COMPLETELY forgotten about that song. Oh you gave me a laugh to remember it!

  14. Katie E says:

    Midnight Train to Georgia is definitely one of the greatest songs of all time – I love it! Indigo Girls does a cover of it that’s also great.

  15. Love, love, love “Midnight Train to Georgia.”

  16. Jill says:

    Dream On! Fantastic. That’s a turn it up in the car and sing at the top of my lungs song. I just might have to do that on the way to work tomorrow. Thanks! Great list.

  17. Ooh, good list! LOVE Let It Be SO MUCH!

  18. Bridget says:

    Country music for sure. I hated it as a kid, then as I got older I slowly started liking it more. Now it’s almost all I listen to. Mostly because I like to hear people actually sing!!

  19. Gina says:

    Somebody to Love, Midnight Train to Georgia (on my iPod) and Let It Be are all favorites of mine as well.

  20. Audrey says:

    Great great list! Reminds me to add it to my playlist now!

  21. what a wonderful list of songs!

  22. Stasha says:

    And now I have disco duck stuck in my head 🙂 Great list. Who knew, Brenda Lee ha?

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