Just turn that frown upside down.

Just turn that frown upside down.


That’s our Stream of Consciousness Prompt this week from Jana @jana’s thinking place.

Here’s my conundrum.

I just listened to our pastor give a great sermon about being a peacemaker and not complaining this holiday season.

But I will complain in the quiet of my heart.

So I’m going to use this exercise as a demonstration of how I can turn those ain’ts into, err .  . . saints.

That stinks but I’m not a poet.  And I know it. ha.

*  *  *

My five minutes starts now:

Annoyed. The word itself annoys me. It’s a very annoying word to look at and spell.

Thank God for spellcheck.

There are dirty dishes in my sink. I need to work this afternoon not clean my kitchen.

Hmm. This is hard. Thank God I have two hands that work so I can load the dishwasher.

My dishwasher is breaking dawn. No it’s breaking down. I don’t want to spend the money this time of year, with Christmas, taxes, and spring college tuition due.

I can’t really come up with a rebuttal to this one other than I know I will get it replaced one day. We all have our crosses to bear.

While I sit on my bed and work the dog’s body is overlapping onto me and makes me very uncomfortable.

He loves me so.

I know my family will come home from Sunday School and complain about what is for lunch. No one will want the same thing and all I want is the one meal we all eat together for the ENTIRE week to be peaceful.


What is annoying you right now, that really isn’t all that bad?

12 responses to “Just turn that frown upside down.”

  1. Ash says:

    You are so right. The little things aren’t that bad. I hope your family gave you a peaceful meal to start your week off right.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    We did have a nice lunch Ash, I’m glad because in a few hours our oldest is heading back to college.

  3. Trish says:

    I have been hand washing for at least six months. If that makes you feel any better. After installing two new dishwashers in this house- I am not doing it again!

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes Trish, that does make me feel better. I need to become like one of my Atlanta neighbors who loved to wash dishes by hand. She said it was her therapy.

  5. Rachee says:

    I wish I could be like your neighbor who says dishes are her therapy!
    Love the way you vented but had a solution. I am going to channel you when I write my post.

  6. Anna Hettick says:

    Oh my I would be annoyed too if my dishwasher needed replacing. I can’t stand to do dishes by hand. I like laundry better.

    I also wish my kids wouldn’t complain all the time about dinner.

    Have a great week!

  7. Trish says:

    Oh, and my computer is smoking and smells like plastic burning.

  8. Oh, this is fantastic! Wonderful way to counter the annoyances!

  9. a.eye says:

    Love that you turned these (most) around.

    I have been trying to complain less and see the brighter side most of this year. It was hard at first, but keeps on getting easier (until you have a prompt that suggests complaining and I don’t know what else to write, so I complain).

  10. Jamie Miles says:

    Trish — I thought I smelled something burning????

  11. Our dishwasher broke a few month back and now we all do dishes together in our teeny kitchen each day. A few glasses have been broken, but the kids seem to actually enjoy it. So much so that I think I’m going to leave it broken for awhile.

  12. Jamie Miles says:

    And you have how many children Tracy? The first ten years we were together we didn’t have a dishwasher — I washed all our first son’s bottles by hand and sterilized them on the stove top. But you are right, if you keep up with them, it’s not that bad. If I had to chose between the dishwasher and the clothes washer I’d take the clothes washer any day.

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