It’s 4 a.m. and here’s my list of 10.

It’s 4 a.m. and here’s my list of 10.

Since it’s 4 a.m. and I’ve been up for an hour — why not turn to Stasha for a little Monday Listicle fun.

This week Kerstin @Auer Life suggested: 10 THINGS I LEARNED IN 2012.

Why not indeed:


10.  If you wake up in the middle of the night and crawl out to your laptop — every animal in the house (except fish and turtle) will come and lay on you in some manner. And since it is cool in the house right now I don’t mind all that much.

Makes it kind of hard to type, though.


9.   Even if you never think it really will happen to you . . . your body does start to age.

D@mn it. I thought I would be the only person who would drop dead at 83 looking just as I did at 45.


8.   I have friends who are just too nice for this world. And definitely too nice for me.  They make me realize I am a horrible selfish person sometimes.

This is terrific. So now  I can work on improving inner beauty while my outer is shot to h@ll.


7.   Focusing on loving others and expecting nothing in return —  is key to happiness. (see number 8)


6.   What an HTML is or does. Okay. Maybe I still don’t know?


5.    Life is a series of obstacles. You NEVER get rid of them. I guess I always knew this. I finally accept it as truth.


4.     Attitude does matter.  I now fight negativity with wild abandon. Last major hurdle is Number 9. And that obstacle thing — gets a hold of my positivity and throttles it occasionally as well.


3.     It is much better to clean the kitchen before I go to bed each night. And make up the bed, first thing every morning.


2.     Writing always makes things better. Even if it is painfully eeking out a clunker of a first draft.


1.     I am so very blessed. (In spite of myself.)


What about you?

Even if it’s not early in the morning — what have you learned this year?



25 responses to “It’s 4 a.m. and here’s my list of 10.”

  1. 5, 4, and 2… so true. Oh, and 9. Sigh.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Julia. And hopefully no obstacles, whether they be burnt turkey or rolls.

  3. We learned lots of things this year, too! 🙂 Loved the HTML one…so perfect for bloggers! Great list!-Ashley

  4. christine says:

    Looking like I’m aging bites. I agree completely.
    What’s HTML? I’ve been blogging for a while now, and I’ve avoided anything and everything HTML. I don’t even know what it stands for. I’m assuming it stands for something.

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Ha. Honestly Christine, I have no idea what the acronym means. I guess I more meant I somewhat understand how it a little bit better . . .

  6. Ha! I’ve battled HTML quite a few times when my blog preview looks wacky on the formatting. I can usually fix it by looking at the way other sentences are structured but I still have NO idea what I’m really doing! And yes, getting older happens.

  7. Rorybore says:

    Ah – you had me beat. mine was written around 1 am.

    I can in fact add HTML to my list, but we have a very combatant and co-dependent kind of relationship, and quite honestly I am not quite sure I am happy we were ever introduced.
    unless I can make something “blink” — then it’s pretty darn fantastic.

  8. Stacey says:

    I love it! And writing DOES make everything better. I also had to laugh at all the animals joining you in the middle of the night. It happens at my house too!

  9. Bridget says:

    Number 8 for me too – I don’t know why all the awesome women I know put up with me!

  10. Anja says:

    My dog wouldn’t even bother getting up at night – it’s hard enough to wake her for her morning walk! =) Love your #8!

  11. Hope you got back to sleep after writing this.

    Yes, I agree, attitude is everything. And, I love waking up to a clean kitchen and the beds are made every day…my grandma taught me that, and to this day, I can’t stand not having all the beds made.

  12. Kerstin says:

    # 7, 4, and 2 – those are my favourites.
    7 and 4 are works in progress and a little acceptance will go a long way – if all else fails, resort to #2 😉

  13. Love this and love the Listicles! The html thing made me laugh. I am clueless.. let me know when you figure it out. And yes, writing makes many things better, even at four a.m.

  14. Azara says:

    I still need to properly learn #3. It makes such a difference to come into a clean room first thing in the morning, but for some reason I don’t do it.

  15. Marvi Marti says:

    Writing is my therapist. Thankfully I’ve learned that just because I write it, doesn’t mean I need to post it. Sometimes it is best if it remains for my eyes only!

    Love you list!

  16. Lisa says:

    I loved number two and laughed out loud at number nine. It seems I have entered middle age, when did that happen, and I would like to know how.

  17. Julia Gibson says:

    You aren’t the only one who doesn’t know who or what HTML is… I usually end up down in our IT department looking pitiful when I screw up something on my blog. Thank God for my friends down there that bail me out all the time. What does HTML even stand for? LOL


  18. Ducky says:

    If you get that HTML thing figured out, please hook a girl up. I hear you on ye animal thing. I’m typing between paws and I totally agree with making the bed in the morning. 1. Making it before bed is a waste of energy and 2. If I don’t immediately make it after exiting, I will just climb back in.

  19. Jill says:

    I have no idea what an HTML is either. I actually just heard about it last week. Do I need to know? I’ve learned blogging is not neccesarily all about writing (hence the HTML).

    It’s good to know we are blessed in spite of ourselves! Love #1. Oh, how I’m thankful for GRACE!

  20. Alexandra says:

    What a sweet, sweet woman you are. I can read between the lines here.

    And yes, “writing does make everything better.”

    everything falls away and I disappear, in a very good way, when I tap tap tap away.


  21. Jamie Miles says:

    Alexandra, yes — typing away in the middle of the night brings out my sweeter, thankful side. Six p.m. with a houseful of young energetic nephews, nieces and my children — not so much. I need the sweet 4 a.m. Jamie to make an appearance then.

  22. You are a wise and true woman with enough sass to make you legit.

    Let’s work on that negativity thing together!


  23. Stasha says:

    This is such a lovely list. Sorry you wake up early, but you make great lists at 4 am. Love your key to happiness. Perfect. And so glad fish is not a cuddler.

  24. Jamie Miles says:

    Love Stasha. And a Thanksgiving kiss.

  25. Alexa says:

    Great post! I am definitely going to have to think about this. Certainly I learned something in 2012! 🙂 Yes, I agree with the friends part. I have some friends that I just don’t understand how they continue to be so kind to me. And ditto on HTML…

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