I’m 50. I only look 35. A lovable 35.

I’m 50. I only look 35. A lovable 35.

Not me sillies. I’m not turning 50.

Well, at least for another 23 days.

Good grief.

With our daughter at camp for two weeks, our youngest and I hit the open road.

Arriving in O-ville at 7 pm, along with a torrent of rain — an hour later I was out the door to help an old friend (as in a friend for a long time) celebrate her 35th birthday.

Jeez Louise — were we ever 35?


 Mary thanking everyone for coming and making us all swear in blood that we would not harass her on Facebook tomorrow.

I got to see some gals I hadn’t seen in 30 some years. And meet plenty of new faces.




Those of us WPHS alums. We were racking our brains to think of what cool thing we used to do with our hands at football games.

We couldn’t think of anything. Well, Diane was clever enough to do a Number One. My hand is just floating indecisively.

But the greatest thing about the night — other than seeing old friends —  was that they birthday girl had special personalized mugs made for each guest by the artist/Ironwoman to my left in the above photo.

I LOVED this idea.





 26.2 would be cool.

Visionary. That was awesome for some visionary person. Not I.





Diane and Allison — BFF and Best Friend respectively — had each known the birthday girl the longest.

Me.  I got Lovable.

Don’t know how true that is but I can’t wait to show my children that someone thinks I am.

Here’s the one I was most impressed with.



Unflappable. Some woman is thought unflappable.

Dear goodness. I become unhinged about a hangnail.

Well, if it is a real painful one.


I was most impressed with the woman who garnered Unflappable till I saw this one.



Who gets anointed? Well other than King David.

So I was impressed. And it was a fun evening.

Here’s wishing Mary a very happy birthday tomorrow.

From her much younger friend.




5 responses to “I’m 50. I only look 35. A lovable 35.”

  1. […] After helping Mary ease into her sixth decade last night, I didn’t set the alarm today. […]

  2. Ilene says:

    I agree! You are lovable! And I love the idea of the personalized mug. So thoughtful.

  3. Lisa says:

    Love the cup idea!

    Of course, I won’t remember it when it’s time for me to come up with something awesome.

  4. Mary Gardner says:

    Jamie and friends!!!

    So great to see you for my 35th b day!!! I can’t believe you posted that I turned 50!!! GRRRRR .. didn’t we have a conversation about that? I mean.. how are all of my friends in their 20s going to feel about their 35 year old friend.. really 50??

    No one can hide their age any more.. that’s what I’ve realized. But in the media.. once you’re 40… you used to be pretty much toast. Now with blogging and social media.. and You tube.. etc.. 50 is the NEW 30!!!

    Seriously fun to see you .. as always and I did want to let everyone know that I did all of the painting and art work.. (Lori is a WAY better artist than me so I didn’t want to harm her reputation by my novice work.. ) but… if you can find someone to THROW your mugs.. you can paint them how you want to. I wanted to give back to my friends who have been so wonderful to me over the past few years.

    I also did the mug thing when I left a long time favorite job years ago.. I bought a mug for everyone that reminded me of them. It’s something nearly everyone uses.. at least for a pencil holder!

    Thanks for being my LOVEABLE friend.. and look forward to talking with you again soon!!! Love, Mary

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Well. You and Lori did a great job with the mugs. I used mine his a.m. and took it to church be because we can have coffee at early service. Woo. You were awesome on your show. It loved it. You need to get the tightrope Wallenda. He’s in Sarasota. Hug and love.

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