I caught him in the act this time.

I caught him in the act this time.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Got to bed last night around 12 a.m. and the alarm woke me up and at four to head into Atlanta for the half marathon with my son.

Then I hosted family, and ate lots.

Cleaned up lots.

Don’t have many pics to show because my phone is lost. And as of this moment, I don’t really care I have no earthly idea where my phone is.

I’m that tired.

Pie-palooza pooped.

I’ve got to tell you all about the wonderful result of my Ronald McDonald House pecan pie event. But that will have to be another day. Because my head just hit the keyboard.

Will tell you one short Thanksgiving Day story.

Everyone left our house and migrated to my in-laws for more family fun and feasting.

I carried some food over as well, then came back to my house to walk the dog.

I walked through the door to this.




Katie’s pie. The last one I was to deliver.

That darn dog had pulled it off the counter. He did this to me two years ago.

That Thanksgiving, I was left wondering what happened to the pie? Today, Nancy Drew caught the perp in the middle of the deed.

Oh well. Guess I’ll be makingĀ  another pie tomorrow.

Was your pie pulled today?



One response to “I caught him in the act this time.”

  1. Vanessa D. says:

    I suspect if the meatloaf I cooked last night had been left unattended the same thing would have happened. I had dogs licking the air when I was pulling them out of the oven.

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