How to handle turning 50. Tips from a Pro.

How to handle turning 50. Tips from a Pro.

A pro?


On the brink of 5-0 and I’m teetering a bit.

Our assignment Day 2 of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog: a list post.

Today I visited a friend. A very old friend who had a birthday on the 25th of June. She turned 50 18 days before me. And like all my friends turning 50 this year — I presented her with my standard friend turning 50 gift.

I’m not going to tell you what it is because then you would know before I give it to you.

I reminded her of a conversation we had five years ago. When she was headed off to Africa with her husband, where I said, “The next time we see each other we’ll be turning 50!” Much laughter ensued.

Well hells bells, here we are five years later. And I’ve come up with a list to make turning the half century mark easier.

*  Get over freaking out about dying your hair and do it. (Or schedule an appointment for July 9.)

*   Remember you are an ugly crier. And age only accentuates the ugliness of the cry.

*   Dye your hair.

*   Lose five pounds by your birthday. This will not only make your summer white jeans fit better but lift your self esteem. (I’m starting again tomorrow. I have 10.80 days to accomplish this.)

*   Look at all the gorgeous women over 50, if they can do it you can. With the help of a dietician. Personal chef. Five day a week personal trainer. Wiring your mouth shut for 22 hours of the day. Cutting your hair off — after dying it of course.

*   Remember no ugly crying in public. Or in front of your contractor who now thinks you are crazy before the remodel of your home even starts.

*   Check in with Facebook every day. Someone from your childhood is turning fifty or probably has years ago. They seem to be coping rather well. Make note to fake it better.

There you have it. How to handle turning 50 like a pro.

Suggestions — anyone, anyone?


Linking up my listy post to the Yeah Write Challenge Grid.  Follow the link to read some great stuff.


36 responses to “How to handle turning 50. Tips from a Pro.”

  1. Laura says:

    happy 50th! It doesn’t sound so bad…

  2. I’m not quite there yet, but when I turned 40 over a year ago I was told by an old friend that 40 is the new 30 – which would mean that 50 is the new 40, right? 🙂
    I look at it this way – we only get better with age and when I think about all the crap I had to deal with when I was younger I don’t want to go back there at all!

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    That’s a great point Kerstin. I don’t want to go back at all. So there really isn’t any other option but to go forward. I think this angst is just a little hiccup.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    No it’s not Laura. I’m very blessed. And happy. I’m just not really strong on transitions and this is definitely one.

  5. Allie says:

    You are doin’ fine! Keep it up!
    Just look at Anne- she did it with lots of giggles and a husband who told her 50-year old women are sexy.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    You are so right about Anne, Allie. In fact, I just came across some Fourth of July pics at least ten years old. HK was a baby. And there was one on Robert and Anne and I had the thought that Anne looks better now — and she looked great then.

  7. Stacie says:

    Happy Birthday! I’m only 5 months behind you so lmk if you think of anything else! I do get to wait on the hair thing though. I highlight, but so far the few gray hairs I have just look like highlights. Now that I said it, that probably counts as dying my hair…

  8. happy birthday!! you’re looking pretty good to me. 🙂

  9. Ally Bean says:

    Practical. Concise. And obviously well thought out. Your tips give me hope & make me smile. Thanks.

  10. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks Ally. Laughter is my best therapy.

  11. I appreciate your good advice and if I had not passed fifty years ago I would adhere to it. I particularly like the dye your hair part and even though I am well past the fifty mark will consider this. Unfortunately I will have to dye my scalp but I will still consider this.

  12. Jamie Miles says:

    If anyone could pull off a dyed scalp with panache it would be you Mal.

  13. Happy birthday, for starters. You know, I just turned 30, and I did a lot of things on this list. Aging gracefully is not for wussies.

  14. Ruth says:

    I have found that denial works for me. That, and a good box of hair color! I’m 35- that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Ha. Happy Birthday! This one kindof stings for a minute and then you realize life is good and on you go!

  15. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks Ruth. I know you are right.

  16. Jamie Miles says:

    You know Natalie. When I was 30 — I would have never thought turning 50 would bother me. Just goes to prove you should never say never, huh.

  17. I hope you have a great birthday. You’ll still be as fabulous at 50 as you are at 49 🙂

  18. john miles says:

    Be nice to your husband. Because he is awesome!

  19. zoe says:

    Im turning 50 next month and call me crazy (no don’t) but I’m looking forward to it…Life has gifted me with a strange vantage point on age I guess. I just stopped dying my hair a little while back and went gray …You know why? Because I had seen this Jamie chick’s blog and she looked so hot with gray hair! No LIE!

  20. Mamarific says:

    Happy birthday, and I think you look great! I dig the gray. It’s very Bonnie Raitt-ish. Or possibly Emmylou Harris-ish. Can’t go wrong with either, in my opinion!

  21. Janelle says:

    Happy 50th! I’d say 50 is the new 15. I recommend dying your hair purple, that’s how all the older ladies in Japan seem to roll. Granted, I think most of them are closer to 80 when they do it, but hey, you’re 50, who can say anything? 😉

  22. Happy 50th! I love your website’s new design. Your list made me laugh and sigh. I hope you had as much fun writing it as I did reading it. AND you are gorgeous! Cheers!

  23. Ilene says:

    This is priceless. I’ve been dying my hair since I’m 16 and I’ll die it when I’m 50. I’ll dye it forever for sure! And I love the crying advice!

  24. Linda Roy says:

    I hit 50 in a couple of years and I’ve already had to face the hair dye. I’m an ugly crier too. Blotchy…puffy eyes…just horrendous. I’m going to keep this list for when the time comes. Aw heck – I could use it now.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  25. Laura Rice says:

    Happy Birthday! and DON”T cut your hair!

  26. Jen T. says:

    Happy Birthday! I think this is great advice for any milestone birthday!

  27. I turned 50 a couple of years ago, and I’m loving my 50s. Life is sooooo much better than when I was in my 40s.

  28. Ava says:

    I sure hope that 50 is the new 40 because this is my year too!

    Thanks for posting about this topically topic!


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  29. Jamie Miles says:

    I love your hair Laura. This time of year I just wear it up — but when I turns cooler I really miss it, if it’s not covering up my neck.

  30. Fifty lurks for me this winter & I am…er… having some feelings about that fact. Already dye my hair (what did Tina Fey say? Eventually all women in the US will be “honey blonde.” Yep), am trying to lose five pounds (I call it my “baby weight,” altho the baby in question will be turning nine in August)…trying to have a positive outlook & mostly I do, except for occasionally (sorry) the thought hits: HOW DID I GET TO BE FIFTY?

  31. Jamie Miles says:

    Amen on that last point, Deb. I look at all my high school classmates turning fifty on Facebook and I’m like — who are all these old people? I’m just having a little rant to get it out of my system. Then moving on.

  32. john says:

    Please continue to drill the hair-coloring theme home to my dear wife. Thx Jamie!

  33. Jamie Miles says:

    <<< SCREAM >>>>. I love the site, John! Can’t wait to go look around it. Jani is a rock star with her natural color. I am far too weak of character and all around vain. I really thought I’d keep the gray (but mine is horrid white) but it’s only hair color right. Maybe she’ll want to get a crazy and see what it looks like darker again for kicks.

  34. I’m (gulp) here to say I’m past 50. It’s a toughie but it is truly liberating in a way. But I’m still wondering how I got this old… but like my husband says: “better than the alternative.” Regardless, I think a road trip is an excellent way to celebrate, don’t you!?

  35. Jamie Miles says:

    Me and you Julia. Like Thelma and Louise. But different ending hopefully. :-O

  36. Happy Birthday! I’ll be turning 40 in 2015 and so I kind of get what you’re going through. I hope this is a wonderful year 50 for you. I just popped in to say thanks for visiting Amanda’s Books and More. If you want to see pics of the Western Cape, South Africa, visit my blog:

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