Home. Through the window pane.

Home. Through the window pane.

Five Minutes.

The prompt: HOME


Four walls, some windows and a roof. Thank goodness for protection from the elements.

But there is not much a house can protect us from if a F5 tornado decides to veer toward our front door.

Or a world of tearing down and violence that seeps in every crevice and floats in on a wireless signal.


Long ago, listening to James Dobson speak on the radio, an image he remembered has stuck with me throughout the years.

After a particularly snippy round of his children’s bickering, he pulled them all to  a window and said paraphrasing here.

Look out there. It’s a tough, mean world and people and things are lurking to tear you all down. In here, we are going to build each other up  …


In this home we are going to build each other up by talking kind to each other and supporting each other. Right now this is the best we’ve got.

I bring that point up to my children frequently. Because some days they do battle. BATTLE.

Battling me, battling each other.

I take them to the window.

Our home means safe, encouragement, edification.

Even if I pull my hair out in secret to make it so.

What does “home” bring to your mind?

Linking up with Lisa Joe Baker and Five Minute Friday.  

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Five Minute Friday

7 responses to “Home. Through the window pane.”

  1. Cole says:

    So very true- and such a hard lesson to learn for the little ones. A good reminder to be kind in here- in our home. Visiting from LJB- FMF- Happy day!

  2. Exactly! I find myself telling my daughter that a lot. The world can be mean and hard, but in THIS home, we will be kind to each other.

  3. Jen says:

    I love this. What a great reminder of what home should be, a place of encouragement (even if Mom’s pulling her hair out, love that).

    Thank you for your candor, and this impactful idea. I hope I’ll be able to remind myself of this on those rough days of battle. 🙂

  4. Tiffani says:

    I love that and am going to start saying that to tabitha and trinity who are constantly battling each other .

  5. Kristi says:

    This is so good. I am going to have to remember it as my kids get older. Your blog is beautiful, by the way. And I LOVE the tagline: “The flower of Midlife sifted through faith, family and heaping helping of southern fried chicken.” Love it. I will be here to visit again.

  6. Amy says:

    Love that idea! We really do need to build each other up at home, and I’m always sad when I see families that just can’t do that.

  7. Wonderful post! Very cool ideas on this word. I like your take on it for sure.

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