Hanging out in a car on a Sunday morning.

Hanging out in a car on a Sunday morning.




Here I sit in the parking lot of the doomed Turner Field waiting to head to the start line of the Hot Chocolate 15K Atlanta.

Thoughts have been bouncing around in my head — so why not blog?

Joining Fadra’s Stream of Conscious link up. Setting a timer for 5 minutes and writing unedited and uncensored.


As I sit here once again in my car, alone, before running 9.3 miles with thousands of strangers — I’ve been thinking why?

Why do I leave my bed on a cold morning. Drive an hour in the dark to sit over an hour in my car to run for over an hour and a half?

A poser.

It was hard to get out of bed this morning. I toyed with some excuse. I was feeling sick?

But I pulled free of the covers and got dressed and headed out.

I guess — since time is drawing short — I do it because I’ve come to believe if I don’t — I’ll stop.

I’ve been doing this for decades. This is the fourth long race I’ve done in three months. Last Sunday, I was in Key West running a half marathon.


Okay. My five minutes is up. I need another potty break.

Maybe I keep doing this because I can. And some day maybe I won’t be able to.

Thoughts? Any runners?

The link to Fadra’s blog. Can’t figure out how to post the pic blogging from my phone.

* * *

Okay. I finished. And it was a beautiful morning. As I type this with fingers sticky from chocolate — it is a good feeling. To participate. And to finish. :))





13 responses to “Hanging out in a car on a Sunday morning.”

  1. It helps to keep you sane, clears your head and gets you in tune for your life – it works for you … I wish I could muster the enthusiasm for running … or exercising … but lunching I am exceptionally good at – so hope we do it soon.

  2. Fadra says:

    I have the opposite problem. I make every excuse in the world NOT to get out of bed. On the rare occasion that I do, like for yoga class, I feel so much better. So maybe I need to take some pointers from you and become that poser.

  3. Good for you #1 – blogging from the phone. #2 for continuing to run. Don’t stop. It’s a blessing to be in good health to be able to do it, so if it’s in you and you enjoy it keep it up.

  4. Gina says:

    You are my hero of the day as I remain on the couch! Great posture! You don’t look like you just ran over nine miles! I don’t run anymore due to injuries but I feel the same way about yoga. Go you!!!!!

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Well, it was a struggle to get out of bed. That’s the danger of doing these things by myself Gina. I need a buddy to go with me so I have no choice but to get moving.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    We do need to lunch soon Nicole. And if you can stay so tiny without much exercise — you are blessed. But I have to admit, the emotional uplift I get is worth it. Like today. Once I was out there in the cold and clear blue weather, it was great.

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    My old beat-up joints, muscles and tendons need to join you and Gina for yoga. Stretching is the best.

  8. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes, I did download the app on my phone and just wrote my five minutes. Fun and a good way to kill time. That was another accomplishment.

  9. Denise Davis says:

    I think we do it because it feels so good to finish, and you bring up a very good point- because what happens if we stop? I’ve taken a long break from really really running and I am trying to get back into it- two races this month. I think I went back too much too fast and instead of being my all time best, I’m quite the opposite. Which is kindof interesting because it gives me a different motivation, like scaling back and taking care of myself and my running and then doing it better.
    But I did learn from my earlier January race, this weekend I will sit in my car until the start and start with warm toes!!

  10. Jamie Miles says:

    Hey. So good to hear from you Denise. One thing I’ve learned is that waiting around for hours in the cold is no fun. And as a rule I never say never. But if there isn’t a warm spot to wait, I don’t race. (Or do everything in my power to get out there in the cold at the last minute.)!

  11. Jack says:

    To participate and to finish sound like perfect reasons to me.

  12. Stasha says:

    WAT TO GO Jamie!!!!!

  13. Allie Smith says:

    As a woman who has had a long love-hate relationship, I think you’re crazy:). Especially to be doing so in January! But I am also in awe. I hope the run when well.

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