Getting the “meh” out of writing.

Getting the “meh” out of writing.

Hitting the midpoint of life one starts to think  . . .

Time is my main commodity.

How can I slow it down? How can I do as much as a want to do more efficiently?


Then you realize that is NEVER going to happen.

You just have to try to do what you want to do in the time you have left.

I want to write fiction.

I’m starting with short stories. Or maybe a novel?

But whatever I write. I don’t want it to be so-so.


For more of my thoughts on the subject, click on over to my post with the stupendous yeah write community.

5 responses to “Getting the “meh” out of writing.”

  1. Time. What is that?
    I can’t shove everything I want to do into one day, ever – so I get where you’re coming from.

  2. MizYank says:

    Spot-on, Jamie, both this piece and the guest post. Those of us standing on the precipice of pitching (or considering standing on the precipice of pitching) would do well to keep all of this in mind.

  3. I really really can relate to this. Things really do have to be whittled down to the most important. Like you writing fiction is at the top of my list… right below mother and wife. As for not wanting it to be so-so… yes, me too, and for me that means keeping on keeping on. Loved the longer piece, too. Can really relate!

  4. Dhriti says:

    There’s so much to do in this world, I too think if I am missing anything at the present time

  5. Stacie says:

    Loved your post over there!

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