First Thing Monday Morning. And I mean first thing.

First Thing Monday Morning. And I mean first thing.

Monday Morning you sure look fine ~ as Fleetwood Mac would say.

But only 45 minutes into Monday morning, I’m not so sure.

Joining up once again with Monday Listicles. This week we are to link up with An Hour in a Day and list 10 things that happened in a wonderful hour of our lives.


10)  12:45 a.m. this morning, I awoke after hearing the dog whimpering.

The dog who had been having going to the bathroom problems.

Get up take him out.

Stand around waiting for dog to do something in the dark and start to become bit creeped out. Something never happens. (With the dog and nothing happens to me either.)

See cat hanging out in dark.


9)  Drag him in at 12:59.

Realize I am wide awake.

Get laptop and start to work.


8)  1:09 a.m.  Cat looks at me… “feed me.”

 She always gets canned food first thing in morning ~ Like 4:30 first thing in the morning.

NO. It’s one o’clock in the morning.


7) 1:17 a.m. feed cat.

Rescue my son’s flip flop from dog.

Dog comes and sits down beside me.

I pet the dog. He seems way too awake.

Lots of shaking, scratching with loud jingling of collar.


6)  1:19  a.m. I take collar off dog.

Check to see if any chance of rain for my garden since I saw it was cloudy when out walking the dog.


5)  1:22  a.m.

Realize dog had made a very bad smell when by me. Contemplate walking him again.

Go back to work.


4) 1:26 a.m. Insert page numbers

Print out story.

Paper jam.

3) 1:34  a.m. hop back online.

 Looked through a “Can’t believe they are the same age?” feature.

I must be old because I didn’t know who half of those pictured.


2) 1:40 a.m.  I’m cold. Go get a sweater.

Realize I’m procrastinating.


1) 1:46 a.m.

The dog and cat have settled down. I’m still wide awake.

Time to get something done.

How about you? What do you do when you find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night?

Join me on

19 responses to “First Thing Monday Morning. And I mean first thing.”

  1. RoryBore says:

    normally, I am either avoiding head injury from amorous spouse – as per my post today – or someone is sick, has to pee, needs water, a monster chased away….same response either way….

    …mumble something, roll over, go back to sleep.
    Unless of course, hubby is on night shift, in which case I handle everything with ease because…well, no head injury 🙂

  2. Michelle T says:

    I try to (silently) get something done that was left undone
    .. Fold laundry, balance checkbook, make lists (I make a lot of those in the middle of the night) I try not to fire up any devices, avoiding screens of all types.

    That, or grab a bowl of ice cream :-S

  3. Jackie says:

    Reading this is making me second guess the potential for a dog in the near future. I can’t handle my kids keeping me up, so God help me if a dog would do the same!

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    That made me laugh Rory. Yes, sometimes it’s better to lie very still if awake in the middle of the night.

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Michelle, I usually panic if I am that wide awake in the middle of the night but this time I actually have something I’m working on. And those two hours came in handy today, because I got a surprise visit from Lofton who helps me with my garden and two hours of my day was spent trying to put up a chickenwire fence with him. See the Lord works in mysterious ways.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    After cleaning up again after my husband can’t agree with you more, Jackie.

  7. Stacey says:

    I hate it when I’m wide awake in the middle of the night. I usually find myself blogging or surfing the blogosphere randomly! I hope you were able to get back to sleep!

  8. Robbie says:

    I usually turn on the tv, txt husband or get online if i can’t sleep at night.

  9. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen to me very often but the times in my life that it has, the t.v. becomes my best friend. I don’t think I ever got completely over my fear of the dark so I don’t like being up in the middle of the night alone!

  10. Ducky says:

    Anyone who starts a post with a Fleetwood Mac lyric quote and talks about walk-by fartings from the dog is good people.

    Trust me….says the Duck ;O)

  11. Jamie Miles says:

    Thank you Ducky.

  12. Kerstin says:

    Love that list. I am wide awake in the middle of the night quite often, but I usually just stay in bed and start thinking about stuff I never have time to think about. Most of the time it’s places I want to go, things I want to do and I even think of story ideas – that’s why I always have my little pink notebook with me, so I can write it down ;), because I will have forgotten in the morning.

  13. Stasha says:

    This sounds just like me but sans cat. And instead of walking the dog you would probably see me brushing him. Great take on the hour Jamie!

  14. Usually when I wake up in the middle of the night and have to get out of bed (usually to help our youngest get in the bathroom), I have a really hard time going back to sleep. My mind usually starts going and then I’m worrying about not getting enough sleep, and my mind races even more. It’s a vicious cycle.

  15. Ado says:

    Ok, what is that um, first picture of? The cat?
    One time I had to wake up in the middle of the night b/c I thought I heard my cat outside yowling in the rain and I fell down the stairs and broke my foot, and of course, he wasn’t outside yowling it was just the dang wind.
    Pets are so mischievous. (-:

  16. Jamie Miles says:

    Wow Ado. That sounds a lot more eventful that my night of sleeplessness. And yes – that was one of our two cats who wouldn’t let me be till I fed him.

  17. Stasha says:

    I know I read this, I know I commented. I am sorry it looks like I didn’t. Am I considered spam? Cause I am more like a fine prusciutto.

  18. Mama J says:

    When I can’t sleep I do chores or read or blog.

    My kids would love to have a dog but I don’t know if I could stand a furry thing waking me up in addition to Piglet! Definitely won’t be nursing that one back to sleep, ha!

  19. Audrey says:

    Right now I am spending most my time in the bathroom in the middle of the night. and then I usually lay in bed listening to husband snore, or move out to the couch cause its more comfortable right now than my bed…. ah pregnancy nights

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