Dorothy, What Have They Got That I Ain’t Got?

Dorothy, What Have They Got That I Ain’t Got?

Way back when Gutenberg laid out the letters “G” “e” “n” on his press, a lesser known printer tirelessly bound together another volume of historical importance — my high school yearbook.

Looking through the latest annual from Morgan County High, seniors had opportunity to cite favorite a quote. I didn’t get the chance to share a heartfelt mantra with my class in our book. This has lead to lifetime of fantasizing what witticism I would have used.

 A philosophical thought? Something humorous? A stirring lyric from a 1970s Bread song?

There have been a lot of quotes I’ve liked over the years, yet I’m drawn to one by Eleanor Roosevelt. It’s not her most famous or her most inspiring, but it sums up my desires perfectly.

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Fear. Fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear that people will disagree with us. Fear I will face-plant off my bike going 33 mph down the Doster Road hill. Indecision about the correct fork to use at an important dinner. Dread I will hand in subpar work product. And don’t even talk about trying on swimsuits in public dressing rooms.

Dear graduates, if failing was not an option, what would you most like to accomplish in this lifetime? Don’t say be famous and have 4 million followers on Twitter. Trust me, that wouldn’t make you happy. You might end up with 6 million followers but peace only comes finding courage in being your authentic goofy, smart, artistic, analytical, curly-headed, allergy-ridden self.

Not everyone we meet will like us – no matter how nicely we treat them. Not everyone will agree with our ideas or care what we have to say, much less how we say it. Get over that now and the world is your bowl of oats with chocolate toffee sprinkles on top.

Be the one not afraid to take a risk.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

Maybe I just found a new favorite quote.

Winners risk. Winners fail. Winners get back up and persevere until they win.

Courage isn’t natural to a lot of folks. But the more we push through fear; things that used to terrify don’t hold much power anymore. Each time we… swing for the fence, present the idea, speak our opinion knowing others feel differently – more confidence builds to tackle  the next obstacle to our dream.

Some attorneys brag that they’ve never lost a case. I overheard a veteran lawyer observe, “If anyone says he never loses a case – it’s for sure, he’s not trying enough cases.”

I’m not talking about rational fears such as getting in the car when someone under-the-influence is behind the wheel. And never make a choice that puts morality and compassion second.

But postponing a difficult call to apologize or delaying an application or interview for a job – are just setups for major setbacks in life.

Do something afraid every day. Some days that might mean summoning enough courage to approach the Great Oz. Or simply finding the fortitude to open the hall closet door.

5 responses to “Dorothy, What Have They Got That I Ain’t Got?”

  1. john miles says:

    Have a great summer. See you next year.


  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Be sure that you always stay just the way you are right now.

  3. Kathi Jackson (maconamess) says:

    Love this! Graduation season always brings us back to the words by which we live, but rather than a quote, I am always reminded of something from nature.

    One of the most interesting insects in our animal kingdom is the bumblebee. As one looks at his body, one notes that he has a wide body, but short wings, and by all of the laws of physics and thermodynamics, the bumblebee cannot fly. But you see, the bumblebee has never had physics, so he does not know that, and he flies all over the place.

    I’ve always likened myself to a bumblebee, and I keep “flying”, often when I’m told I can’t. It makes for some very interesting conversations!

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    Kathi- I love that idea. Finding something in nature. I’ll have to noodle that. And bumblebees are wonderful. I actually dream of being a beekeeper. Or if not that writing an article on one.

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Kathi- I love that idea. Finding something in nature. I’ll have to noodle that. And bumblebees are wonderful. I actually dream of being a beekeeper. Or if not that — then writing an article on one and enjoying learning about the process.

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